Experiencing Pirates, World of Color and More at Disneyland #PiratesLifeEvent #Disneyland

Disneyland World of Color 2017

No matter how old you are, when you walk into Disneyland you’re transported back to your childhood. You’re surrounded by your favorite stories and characters brought to life, and you can experience a bit of their worlds on rides, walk through adventures and even through unique recipes for different areas.

This was my second trip to Disneyland, and this time I set out on a mission – to ride older rides, find a coveted popcorn bucket I missed two years ago and see new parts of the park. Our trip included a ride on the Pirates of the Caribbean Ride, the one that launched the movie franchise.  The ride of course was full of wenches, bad guys, and our favorite Jack Sparrow. It was amazing to see where the story began, the ingenuity that started the idea for a movie and it was the last ride that Walt Disney worked on before his passing.

Our day at Disneyland was hot, and you’d expect it to be in Anaheim, and the park was packed! It was a day for high school seniors and the lines were longer than I expected. But that doesn’t mean we didn’t have a great time. We made our way through the park and enjoyed a Dole Whip, rode some of our favorite rides and even found new ones. I love the magic in the park and how you always feel that childhood magic surrounding you. From delicious food items, pin trading, amazing rides and finding your favorite character in the park – you will have a blast, and definitely hit your step goal for the day!

This summer if you visit Disneyland, be sure to check out the Summer of Heroes! This is kicking off with the newly opened Guardians of the Galaxy – Mission Breakout attraction and ride (I can’t wait to check this one out next time). There are great things in California Adventure like a Guardians of the Galaxy Dance Off with Star Lord (how cool is that!), an updated Pixar Play Parade and much, much more. Summer of Heroes continues into Disneyland with Fantasmic! and updated rides and experiences. For full  listings of everything you can experience at Disneyland’s Summer of Heroes check out the Summer of Heroes site.

We ended our day at the World of Color show in California Adventure – an amazing show that is a mix of pyrotechnics, water fountains, projections and movie clips. The moments selected will tug at the heart strings of any one who watches it. Be sure to look for a bit of Pirates flare when you see this presentation, it wont disappoint and Jack Sparrow is the only “live action” projection in the mix.


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