Podcasts to Listen To While Working at Home

Podcasts to work at home with

The novelty of working at home is starting to wear off, or sharing a work space is getting a bit tough. When that happens, I grab my ear buds and prepare to get to work. But while I’m not able to leave for work, I can still escape some by my way of podcasts.

Now, of course not every podcast is for everyone but these are great ones to keep you entertained, educated and may even provide a slight escape even if you can’t do much yourself.

True Crime

Do you love to binge on true crime shows but find yourself running out? There are a ton of different true crime podcasts that you can get weekly or even daily updates on crime. Some of these crimes… are just too weird to be fake!


Turn off the TV and learn some new things while you work, grab one or more of these educational podcasts. From what actually goes inside fighter planes, to a better understanding of bacteria, the lives and deaths of royalty and a whole lot of things we were never actually taught in school. There are so many great podcasts that will keep you informed, educated and more.


Need a little inspiration to get you through the day? From healthy habits, to how to deal with anxiety – there are a lot of great resources for you that you can tune into when you need them!


From the latest in what’s going on in the entertainment industry, to movie reviews and even a look back at Hollywood of the past. There are so many great entertainment based podcasts out there. If you need something to just soothe your ears – definitely listen to Levar Burton Reads, and go back to a time when we listened to him on Reading Rainbow – with a bit more grown up stories.


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