One Woman Sex and the City – Great for a Girls Night Out

One Woman Sex and the City A Parody Detroit

One Woman Sex and the City A Parody reviewIt’s not often I get out to have a night with the girls anymore, but when we got tickets for One Woman Sex and the City: A Parody of Love, Friendship and Shoes it was one I knew I had to go see. The performance in Detroit was at the City Theatre inside the Hockey Town Cafe, a small and quaint theater with somewhat updated seating. As promised, the show only had one woman in it throughout the whole performance, and Kerry Ipema (also one of the show writers) switches not only between the four main characters from Sex and the City but also their love interests easily.

Dressed only in a black jumper Ipema moved about the stage between three chairs and a background that only was changed by a lit decoration and went through all six seasons of Sex and the City (or at least the highlights of the show). Her performance was littered with current references, topical bits and even a few jabs at the original show for its short fallings.

I took some of my friends with me to the show, and we laughed through the majority of it – on the relevance of the material still today, and how ground breaking the original series was at the time. But even with that in mind, we were shocked to not only find a handful of men in the audience, but an even bigger number of audience members who never saw an episode of the original show. After the intermission Ipema read audience dating horror stories and deal breakers and actually engaged with the audience quiet a bit.

This is definitely not a show for younger audience members, but it is one to take your best girlfriends to. it was a hilarious night out and didn’t require the audience to know the characters very well – but if you do, it only made the jokes funnier. We all have a Sex and the City character we can relate to, and a little bit of each one in all of us. I would definitely recommend checking out this show if it makes it to a theater near you!


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