Five Things You Need to Create the Perfect Home Office

Best Items for a Home Office

While a lot of things have been changing this year, a large portion of the world has had to learn to work from home and what that means for business and productivity. If you have turned your kitchen table into a desk, or found a corner in your home to claim as your own – there are some things you might be looking for if you’re trying to make your work from home setting better.

We have turned into a home where we both are working from home, and that means balancing meeting schedules, recording videos, work days and still keeping the sanity within our home. That means turning our one and only guest room into a second office so we both can work. In the process, we learned a lot but also found some helpful hints to setting up the perfect office for your space.

Find the Perfect Furniture for Your Office

Besides a desk and a chair, you may want to consider what else you need in your office. Do you need a bookshelf or file cabinet? How about something decorative to make the space feel like it is your own?

It’s a bit harder finding the perfect office solution for your office now that it’s harder to go into stores and test out furniture. But that doesn’t mean it’s pointless. You can find almost everything online and have it sent directly to you.

The best part of finding the perfect furniture for you – you can mix and match what you like and create an office that is your style and you can do so within your own budget.

Bring Some Life to Your Office with Live Plants

We love having plants in our offices and having the added pop of color. Currently in my office I have both a large Fig Plant and a Zanzibar plant, both from MyPerfectPlants. Not only do they make the space feel more completely but more home like and less industrial.

Get the Technology You Need for Your Space

Now your work place may have sent you home with a laptop or may be providing a basic kit for you to work with. But if you’re working for yourself or want something better it may be time to build your own technology. An upgraded mouse and even keyboard may make a huge difference but don’t skimp out on what you really need and want.

Add your Favorite Accessories

The best part of making your own home office – you can decorate it however you want. With personal artwork, your favorite fandom and a lot more.

Not sure where to start in decorating or what you want the space to look like? Or want to change it often? You may want to get a subscription to DecoCrated! A quarterly subscription box that can help you get ready for any season and holiday. Be sure to use code WEEK99ER10 to save on your first box!

Don’t forget a Place for Your Best Friend

As much as we love working at home, our cats love us being here too. So much so they have their own custom made beds in our offices just for them. Remember that while you might be working, to them you are still at home and making sure they are comfy is key.

While we might yell at them for random things like chewing on mic stands or desks, the added bonus of cuddles any time of day is definitely a great perk for working at home!


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