We all have our favorite dogs in our family, but often we don’t consider what their lives were like before we had them. Well Go USA Entertainment brings to the small screen the story of Jacob a dog on a journey to find a new home after he was abandoned. A Dog’s Courage is a heart warming story that your family will love to watch together and may make you think of your pups just a little different
We have partnered with Well Go USA Entertainment to give away a couple copies of A Dog’s Courage away to our readers. Be sure to read below on how you can enter to win a Blu-Ray Combo pack of the movie for your family!
About A Dog’s Courage:
Jacob, a feisty, playful dog abandoned by his owners joins a pack of strays and comes to terms with his unwanted and abrupt freedom. With his new friends in tow, Ralph heads north and finds the perfect place of safety and peace — the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea
A DOG’S COURAGE has a runtime of approximately 102 minutes and is not rated.
How Can You Win?
Leave a comment below about your favorite dog! Then use the form to enter!
I wish I had a dog but I never have. Hopefully one day! Currently I follow a beautiful boy named Coconut Rice Bear on FB.. I’ll say he is my favourite!! ❤
My favorite dog is my current dog. He’s the best companion and makes my life better just by being in it.