Last Night in Soho Brings a Unique Twisted Thriller Fans Will Love

Last Night in Soho Review

Despite how hard they try, most psychological thrillers end up being pretty predictable and you may end up guessing what the outcome will be before it happens. But when a movie truly takes audiences by surprise, it’s even better. The newest release from Focus Features and director Edgar Wright, will not only take you on a ride you wouldn’t expect but will be want to experience again and again.

Last Night in Soho follows the story of Eloise, a gifted fashion design student who also has another talent – being able to see people who have passed on. In a bit of a Sixth Sense style, Eloise can see and almost interact with people from the past. This is briefly touched on with her mother, but really takes home when she moves into a small flat in an area that has a seedy past. While her gift is mentioned, even shown, it isn’t really explored in a somewhat missed opportunity (or possibly an open door to a sequel).

In the movie, Eloise is warned a few times by her grandmother that if it gets too much to let her know or to find help. They hint that her mother had the same “gift” and couldn’t handle it. Since her grandmother seems so accepting and supporting of Eloise and even understanding of the gift, it seems like it might be something she may have as well? And while the movie does mention suicide, it is mostly handled with tact.

When Eloise moves into her new dorm on campus, she finds out her roommate is the absolute worst-case scenario – the ultimate mean girl. This is played up when Jacosta and her friends dress up as the main friend group from The Craft and Jacosta is Nancy. A fun nod to a cult classic supernatural horror film but drives home just the type of person she is, and how she likes to portray herself to others.

To escape Eloise finds her off-campus apartment, and each night slips further down the story of Sandie, a girl who once roomed there. Every night, instead of sleeping Eloise lives alongside Sandie, and sometimes in her place and experiences things that happened almost sixty years ago. From big dreams, to love stories, Eloise can’t escape Sandie is captivated by this life that starts inspiring her own work. Until the story starts taking a turn Eloise doesn’t like and she can’t stop seeing it, no matter what she tries.

The twist in the story and the movie is one that will keep fans engaged. It’s one of the magical things that Edgar Wright does in all of his movies. It’s also what will make this movie almost impossible to not want to see again. Going into the movie, we knew that there would be clues and little details throughout the whole film like every other Edgar Wright movie to date. However, the story kept us so enthralled that we weren’t able to find them the first time through.

The movie is dark, twisted, and such a unique story that it will have you going back for more. It does have enough opportunity to make it into a series, but the original story would lose its charm in a long chain of movies. It truly takes audiences on a wild ride that may make you question what you know and think of the past. Last Night in Soho will be in theaters on October 29th, and just in time for Halloween. But this thriller is done that you’re going to watch over again and won’t be one that will just be for the fall viewing.

Overall Rating:

Five Star Review

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About Last Night in Soho

(In theaters) In acclaimed director Edgar Wright’s psychological thriller, Eloise, an aspiring fashion designer, is mysteriously able to enter the 1960s where she encounters a dazzling wannabe singer, Sandie. But the glamour is not all it appears to be and the dreams of the past start to crack and splinter into something far darker.

Starring Anya Taylor-Joy, Thomasin Harcourt McKenzie, Matt Smith, Terence Stamp, Diana Rigg, Rita Tushingham, Michael Ajao, Synnøve Karlsen

Directed by Edgar Wright (FOCUS FEATURES)


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