Shura – Humanitarian Docu-Short Highlights Bigger Crisis

Shura Review

Most documentary shorts focus on one issue at a time but Shura seems to not only focus on the humanitarian efforts of Shura Wallin but also the still-growing reason and need for her group and work.

Shura, focuses on the 82-year-old humanitarian who not only has made it her life’s purpose to help others but risks her safety and freedom to take care of others who can’t help themselves. Working at the southern border, Shura and her team leave water and snacks for refugees who are crossing the border. She brings them supplies and lays them in areas where others haven’t had them and died along the way. While others dehumanize the people crossing the border, she brings them small things that can not only help them find asylum but survive on their way to freedom.

Shura Review

The documentary is only 28 minutes but will take you on a journey along the way. Highlighting the dangers asylum seekers face just by trying to get to the southern border and the reasons behind it. It focuses on a young child who made the journey without her family and just what she may have endured along the way. It shows the need to help others and why Shura and her team dance the line of the law to help the refugees, which may inspire others to do the same.

Shura Review

Will Shura open the eyes of the people who think only the worst of the people crossing at the southern border? Most likely not, they wouldn’t take the time to watch the 30-minute documentary anyhow. But what the short will do is inspire more people to get involved where it is needed most, and may show others how they can get involved to help people who are risking it all for a better life.

Shura is streaming now on select services.

Overall Rating:

Three and a Half Stars Review

About Shura

You will fall in love with Shura. SHURA is the story of a Jewish Buddhist, 82 years young, with a powerful commitment and mission to provide aid to migrants crossing the border, helping to save lives in the harsh and ruthless elements of the Arizona desert. With her small team of activists, Shura will go to great lengths to ensure these people in need survive. This short doc (run time 27 mins.) will wake people up to the situation on the border amongst the volunteers, border control and a failed border wall. It explores the best side of the human spirit and the kindness of one incredibly endearing human being to another.

Stories like this are important — it is an opportunity to celebrate the tenacity of the human spirit; to pay homage to this incredible woman who lets nothing stop her (she is also a black belt in karate)! 


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