Homemade Apple Pie Filling Canning Recipe

How to make apple pie filling and can it

Maybe you found a great deal on apples, every fall in Michigan they drop really low per pound. Or maybe you have a big bowl you don’t know what to do with – or just want to make your own pie filling. This is a great recipe to have on hand and to stock your shelves with.

How to make apple pie filling and can it

Whatever reason you have a ton of apples sitting around – it’s the perfect reason to make some apple pie filling. I love filling quart jars to fill a whole 9 inch pie or doing smaller pint jars if I’m going to make hand pies. They sauce and the apples are already ready, just waiting for a crust – and that means quick desserts for parties, for barbecues or whenever you have a sweet tooth!

But probably the best reason to make it yourself – you can add in the perfect amount of spices for your own recipe – or even those hot tamales if you like making it that way!

How to make apple pie filling and can it


  • 4 ½ cups white sugar
  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 10 cups water
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 6 pounds apples


  1. In a large pan combine your sugar, corn starch, cinnamon and nutmeg. Add your salt and water and mix well. Cook until thick and bubbly. Remove from heat and set aside.
  2. Fill a large bowl with cold water and lemon juice and set next to your cutting board.
  3. Peel, core and slice apples and put into the bowl with cold water with lemon juice to prevent browning. Repeat until your apples are all peeled and ready to go.
  4. Pack the apple slices into the sterilized canning jars. Ladle the hot spice mixture over the top. Leave 1/2 inch headspace. Remove any air bubbles and place the lids on and proces in a water bath for 20 minutes.

Canning Instructions:

  1. Place 4 clean pint jars on a rack in your stock pot. Fill the jars and stock pot with cool water until it completely covers the top of the jars. Cover and put on medium heat. Simmer but do not boil.
  2. Prepare 4 lid sets, put the bands aside and put the flat lids in a small sauce pan and put on medium heat. Do not boil, but keep warm through the whole process.
  3. Prepare your ingredients according to the directions above.
  4. Now, remove the jars from the warm bath. Tip them as you pull them out and pour the water back into the pan. Place them on a towel on the counter with the opening up. Do not dry them! Just put them down and put the funnel in. Put your ingredients in your jars. into each jar until there is about 1/2 inch of space in the top. Once all jars are full, take a plastic or wooden utensil and move it around to get extra air bubbles out.
  5. Take the small magnet tool and remove flat lids from their hot bath. Place over top of each jar. By hand screw on the collars, but not too tight! Remember some air still needs to get out of each jar.
  6. Place the jars back into the hot stock pot and replace the lid. Turn your temperature up to high. When it starts to do a rolling boil, start a timer for 20 minutes.
  7. After the jars have processed for 20 minutes, turn off the heat and remove the lid to the pan. Let cool for 5 minutes. Remove all the jars without tipping them and place them back on the towel. Remember – don’t towel them off!


  1. Apple pie filling looks delicious. Where can I find some answer for a question? Do. I bake this when put in crust? What do I do after opening? Do I bake crust first?

  2. Hello,

    Is “10 cups of water” REALLY the correct amount of water per batch of 4 pints??

    Four pints equals 8 cups so I’m confused about the 10 cups of water…

    This looks AMAZING!! We went to apple orchard yesterday and picked apples but I’m a bit concerned about the water amount…

    Thank you!!

    • That’s what we used and it worked perfectly 🙂 I think I need to fix it – we did 4 quarts! But keep in mind that the apples will absorb some too 🙂 Hope you like it!


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