Wish Upon: Wishes do have Consequences

wish upon review

wish upon review

Growing up, I loved watching movies like Aladdin where the Genie shows up and grants Aladdin’s wishes. There was something special and surreal about the idea that wishes could be granted and many movies and television shows played right into that fantasy. And of course I thought about what my wishes would be if I was given the opportunity to use them.

Now, while most of those movies and shows were pretty harmless, they did teach a lesson. They showed us that getting our wish was not always the way we wanted it to be. Then there were the few that took making wishes to a darker level. These were the movies that I enjoyed most as I got older (I am a HUGE horror movie lover) and was always excited when a new movie would come around.

Wish Upon is one of those movies. What starts out as a harmless gift from father to daughter ends in disaster with every wish. Claire has not had an easy life, her tragedies started early in life and seemed to keep piling up. Her father Jonathon tried to do his best by his daughter, usually to no avail until he brought home a special birthday present. The music box Claire receives her birthday has the power to grant wishes, 7 to be exact, and she learns that each wish adds a brighter light to her life. However, there is always a consequence with each wish, and always surrounds someone in Claire’s life. Yet, no matter the destruction, Claire loves her new life and all the benefits the wishes have given her. Each wish takes Claire down a darker path until there is nowhere else to go.

Wish Upon was a well-played thriller that kept you on the edge of your seat. Even when you thought you knew what was going to happen next, it changed. There was enough happening to keep you engaged and the end was no what anyone expected, the whole theatre gasped so you know it’s good. I really liked how it showed the power of Clare’s wishes and how she became obsessed with them. Each gave her a taste of what she thought she wanted, until the end. The movie shows that while life is hard, it’s still yours and wishing for something will never end the way you think it will.

If you love thrillers and horror movies like me head to your local theatre and check out Wish Upon this weekend.

Wish Upon Trailer:

About Wish Upon:

Wish Upon PosterIn the latest thriller from the director of ANNABELLE, 17-year-old CLARE SHANNON (Joey King) is barely surviving the hell that is high school, along with her friends MEREDITH (Sydney Park) and JUNE (Shannon Purser). So when her dad (Ryan Phillippe) gifts her an old music box with an inscription that promises to grant the owner’s wishes, she thinks there is nothing to lose. Clare makes her first wish and, to her surprise, it comes true. Before long, she finally has it all: money, popularity and her dream boy. Everything seems perfect – until the people closest to her begin dying in gruesome and twisted ways. Now, with blood on her hands, Clare has to get rid of the box, before it costs her and everyone she loves the ultimate price. Be careful what you wish for. Directed by John R. Leonetti (ANNABELLE) and produced by Sherryl Clark (CLOVERFIELD). Starring Joey KingRyan PhillippeKi Hong LeeMitchell SlaggertShannon PurserSydney ParkKevin HanchardSherilyn Fenn.


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