Thor: The Dark World Thundering into Theaters

Thor The Dark World Review
Thor The Dark WorldAs a self declared nerd, you would think I’m all over the comic scene – I mean what could be nerdier? But while comic books hold no special place in our house, the Marvel movies do. This weekend Thor: The Dark World is joining the Marvel collection. The sequel to Thor and of course the Avengers can easily stand on it’s own and is already better than the original!

Yes, Thor is based on the Norse mythology and Marvel comic book fame it has recognizable characters from the beginning. You can quickly choose between Team Thor and Team Loki as they battle not only each other but the Dark Elves that are trying to take over Asgard and the nine realms.

The movie offers a lot of beautifully computer animated scenes, as well as plenty of battles that you would expect when you’re considering we’re talking about Norse gods of War. You can expect some nods to the Avengers movie as well as some of the characters you know and love. Ladies, don’t worry this movie is good for you too! There is plenty of eye candy for you to enjoy!

I saw Thor: The Dark World in 3D, but honestly, I think it would still be just as fantastic in regular movie viewing. Except for Thor’s shirtless scene, that of course is enjoyed better in 3D. With a great cast like Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins, Kat Dennings, Thor: The Dark World is bound to be a hit at the box office this holiday season.

Just like any other Marvel movie – be sure to make it to the end of the credits. There not only is an extra scene in the credits but one at the very end!


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