The Snuggle Bear is 30?! 30th Anniversary Celebration Review and Giveaway #LetsSnuggle

snuggle giveaway

Snuggle Bear 30th Anniversary Celebration
Every since I was little, I remember watching the Snuggle Bear falling into a pile of freshly done laundry and exclaiming it was “Snuggly Soft”. In my childhood reality, Snuggle Bear has always been around, I don’t remember a time when he wasn’t on TV. But the truth – the Snuggle Bear first started making his appearance on TV commercials back in 1984! We all know him, and this year Snuggle Bear is 30 years old and it’s time to celebrate!

Snuggle Bear 30th Anniversary Celebration

To kick off the celebrations, the Snuggle Bear Den sent me a great basket full of great Snuggle products to review. And included in the basket – my very own Snuggle Bear of my own! I’ve wanted one since I was a kid, so of course that made my day! And although I didn’t want to do the laundry, it’s one of the every day chores that have to be done so the Snuggle products were quickly put to use. Everything came out not only snuggly soft, but smelling great too!

Since we’re celebrating Snuggle Bear’s 30th birthday, Snuggle asked that we share how we’re making the world a softer place. There are so many things that can be done to make the world softer, and nicer. We like to get out and create beautiful places that people can enjoy. Living near the city there is a lot of concrete, roads and a lack of beauty. So one of the goals in our house is to have a beautiful and softer place to come home to. We’ve started to transform our yard into different gardens. Not only is it a more beautiful place, but it is visually softer than the concrete surrounding us, the metal fence around us and the brick homes.

There are so many different ways you can make the world a softer place. To me softer can mean anything from a visually nicer place, fresh towels coming out of the dryer or cuddling up with your favorite blankets and pillows watching a movie. Don’t forget that you also need to have soft and good things in your life. If it’s snuggling up on your favorite spot for a catnap like Jack Jack takes, or just with your favorite blanket and a good book, find that moment to snuggle and enjoy softness.

Snuggle Bear wants to share his birthday celebration with you! You can win you a basket of Snuggle Products by entering below. Make sure you read what to comment to enter!

How Can You Win?

Enter to win with the form below. The mandatory entry is leaving a comment on this blog post! You can comment daily so tell me your favorite thing to cuddle with is, or what you’re doing to make the world a softer and nicer place!  If you do not do this entry – you will not win! So make sure you leave a comment and then enter using the form linked below!

Giveaway will close at 11:59 PM on 9/17/2014.


  1. Snuggles is an awesome product– My towel,p.j.’s everthing wouldn’t be so nice if I didn’t use it- I love to snuggle with my husband, and family movie night with my kids

  2. I like to snuggle with my little girl. I tried to smile at strangers and hold the doors for people that is how I like to make the world softer.

  3. My favorite thing to snuggle with is our kitty cat, Karma. And I try and make the world a softer and nicer place by being a softer and nicer person!

  4. I love the concentrated Snuggle because I live in an apartment so when you leave to do laundry the bottle is managable and you can wait longer to do your laundry

  5. I adore the smell of my freshly washed bedding and cuddling under the super soft blankets with my pup Sadie! (she told me to tell you she likes Snuggle too)

  6. I have lots of things I like when I was little I had a doll every night slept with it in my arms when I had kids it was my babies and now they are older my husband and our dog usually works his way in between us

  7. I really only snuggle with my dog or cat when they decide they need lots of lovin! 🙂 I have been volunteering lately, and then spreading the word to co-workers,friends and family. This encourages them, and then they spread the word and I think that is a great start to get the world on a better track!

  8. My son likes to snuggle with his kitten and his soft blankie that he has. The world would be a better place if everyone showed kindness everyday.

  9. I’ve loved Snuggle since my childhood, My sister and cousin thought it would be funny to hide my Snuggle bear (Best friend) and/we never found it again

  10. My favorite thing to snuggle with is my husband and kids. I try to make the world a nicer and softer place by being kind to people. Kindness goes a long way!!

  11. I love snuggling with my kids in our favorite blanket during family movie time. Kind words to our lonely neighbors– we have 3 single grandmas across the street that we keep and eye on, they still need the smiles, and hugs,and flowers

  12. My fav things to snuggle with are any one of our 10 grands, my hubbie and my little dog. They are all wonderful snuggle bunnies! I try to make the world a softer place by keeping my words soft.

  13. I love snuggling with my kids especially early of a morning or late of a night when they are in a snuggling mood. I always use Snuggle fabric softener in our clothes and bedding to keep everything soft and smelling great.

  14. My favorite thing to cuddle with is my boyfriend — he is a great cuddler. I am doing my part to make the world softer by using Snuggle Dryer Sheets.

  15. I love to snuggle with my kids.Some of the steps I take to make my world a softer and nicer place is to play music which is soothing and have lots of soft lighting.

  16. I love to snuggle in my favorite blanket on rainy days with a hot cup of tea. I try to give a smile to everyone I see daily to make it a little softer and nicer place in this world

  17. Snuggle with blankets washed with Snuggle fabric softner on a rainy day watching movies and having some pop corn! Now that Fall is almost here it is Snuggle season!

  18. I have always loved to snuggle with my 4 kids (although my oldest ones are teenagers now).I try to make the world a softer and nicer place but helping others and teaching my kids to do the same.We volunteer our time to give back to the community.

  19. I like to snuggle with my cats. I don’t really do anything to keep the world a softer place, but I do use Snuggle to keep my laundry soft. =)

  20. I have a super soft throw blanket I love to snuggle. I love to snuggle my boys when they will let me. I wash everything in snuggle and then line dry it.

  21. Other than my daughter, my favorite thing to cuddle with is a small pillow that I hold to me. I try to keep the world softer and nicer by being kind, showing generosity, and of course use Snuggle products!

  22. Im 20 weeks pregnant and i cuddle with my golden retriever luke whenever he feels like it but when i sleep im more comfy cuddling a stuffed animal


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