The Best Toys to Encourage Learning After School Hours

After School Toys - Best Toys to Encourage Out of Classroom Learning

The transition back to school can be hard on kids, and the hours after school gets out are more precious. Once the homework is done, they need to decompress, have fun, and focus on the things they love. This is the perfect time to encourage their interests, and let them still learn through play. We were sent four great toy options that can not only help your kids keep learning, but can help them relax and help them improve their skills – no matter what their interest is.

Smithsonian Telescope

There’s always been a huge interest in the stars, space, and everything just beyond our reach. But the most recent images from the James Webb Telescope have reignited the interest in the cosmos in many and sparked it in a lot of young learners. And while a professional grade telescope may be out of the budget this year, the Smithsonian has one that is perfect for young learners. Their 30x Telescope/Monocular Kit is easy to set up and even comes with its own tabletop tripod. While your kids may not be able to see quite to Pluto with this telescope, they can take in stars or even check out the next full moon to see the craters and other details.

Have your own astronomer who wants to see the stars, study them or just gaze at the beauty? Grab a Smithsonian 30X Telescope/Monocular Kit to keep their dream going. With a price point of only $19.99 – this is a great way to encourage their interest in the universe around them.

All-Pro Passer

After School Toys - All Pro Passer

After-school sports teams are kicking off, and practices don’t end after you leave the field. If your young athlete wants to improve their game, learn a new way to play, or just put in more hours – they may need a coach to help them get there. While a personal coach may not be in the plans, the All-Pro Passer may be. It’s a small, robotic quarterback that you can use in your own yard. It always throws the perfect spiral and makes taking your game to the next level even easier. The All-Pro Passer allows you to play one-on-one, three-on-three, or with as many players as you want. You can even practice catching on your own. It comes with 9 different passing zones – letting them practice hundreds of plays.

If your athlete wants to up their game or practice for tryouts the All-Pro Passer Robotic Quarterback might be able to help out. Coming in at $49.99, the All-Pross Passer is a great way to practice as a group or by themselves.

Groovy Glow Wubble

After School Toys - Groovy Glow Wubble

We’ve been huge fans of Wubble Bubbles for years, and each version keeps getting better! Not only do the new Groovy Glow Wubble glow in the dark, but they no longer need a pump to inflate them. They are a lot of fun to play with in large spaces and will cause hours of laughter through play. While this may not seem like an educational toy, playing with Wubbles can help with hand-eye coordination and the bright colors just add to the fun.

Encourage a fun way to play and decompress after a long day of learning with a Groovy Glow Wubble 2 Pack! Great for if you have more than one kid in the family or want to have extra for when friends come over.

Smithsonian Rock and Gem Dig

After School Toys - Smithsonian Rock and Gem Dig

We’ve never met a kid that didn’t love rocks or getting dirty. And while it may not always be the best time to make a mess – digging and finding rocks and gems can not only be rewarding but also educational. The Smithsonian Rock and Gem Dig is a great resource for kids who love to play and dig. Not only will they help improve their motor skills, but it is a lot of fun to learn about different rocks, stones and gems, where they game from and what part of history they were formed.

If they love rocks, gemstones or just digging for treasure the Smithsonian Rock and Gem Dig is a great way to encourage tactile play. It’s a fun way to still learn while getting dirty at the same time!


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