In reality we should take better care of ourselves. And that’s why Superior Source created their Travel pack of vitamins. They sent us the travel back so we’ll be stocked and ready to go for the next trip (that is just around the corner).
Inside the Superior Source Vacation travel pack is everything you and your family should need to stay healthy while you’re on the go:
- Sweet ‘n Natural Pure Stevia 1,120 Servings
- Lip Healer lip balm with Aloe Vera – 3 pack
- Children’s B Complex with Vitamin C 50 instant dissolve tablets
- Vitamin C Sugar Free “Tangy Orange Melts” 90 Tablets
- Melatonin 5 mg 60 instant dissolve tablets
- B12 1000 mcg & Folic Acid 500 mcg 40 Instant dissolve tablets
What is great about the kit, they all come in one easy to pack zipper bag to take with you on the road, on a plane or wherever you are off to. I love that the tablets are all dissolve-able, which makes it easy to give them children or adults who don’t do well with pills.
The group overall is great for any short trip or to take on a long trip with you. The Melatonin is great to help you sleep if you’re unable to in a place that isn’t your bed, Vitamin C for when you’re starting to feel run down and don’t forget that B12 to help keep your nervous system up and running. We don’t always take the best care of ourselves on the go, but with these tools you definitely can try to keep yourself in top health. Remember to always check with your doctor before starting a new dietary supplement regimen. And remember to take care of yourself and your family when you’re traveling and on the go constantly.
School has just started, and although the next trip may be a while off Superior Source Vitamins wants you to be ready for whatever life is going to throw at you. They are giving 7 Winners will win a Vacation Travel Vitamin Family Pack worth $90! They are great for traveling or even if you’re just trying to keep up with your children’s after school schedules! Click the button below to enter!
We need this for an energy boost since school has started!
I need chewable vitamins. Great idea for traveling.
The lip balm we are always out– I like this idea and probably going to copy it for traveling needs