Stay Active with Best Buy & Shine this Holiday Season!

misfit shine review

Shine TrackerThere are a lot of different ways you can track your work out activity now. Bracelet trackers are out there everywhere but every one has it’s own limitations, from not being waterproof, not connecting with wifi, or not being comfortable. This year there a new guy on the market – the Shine Tracker from Misfit Wearables, and Best Buy sent us one to try out.

Shine Tracker

Shine isn’t like any other tracker out there on the market. It is a stand alone disc that is actually the tracker, it isn’t a band but can fit with your style and activity you do every day. But what makes it different? Shine comes with a basic arm band, so your tracker can be worn as a bracelet, but it’s not the only style you’re stuck with. The arm band is completely adjustable and I found that it had a larger sizes than any other band we’ve tested so far. You can also purchase leather arm bands, necklaces and other accessories to wear your Shine. Whatever your style – Shine can fit it. If you choose to wear it as a band, it is extremely smooth and comfortable!

Shine Tracker

Shine is exclusively available in additional colors at Best Buy including Silver, Black, Champagne and Topaz.

Shine Features:

  • Activity Tracking
  • Steps
  • Activities: Swimming, Biking, Tennis, etc.
  • Sleep
  • Calories
  • Clock
  • Waterproof
  • Extra Accessories (includes Magnet clip)
  • Leather Bands
  • Sport band
  • Necklace

What I really like about Shine – it has a beautiful shape and design. It covers more activities than any other tracker out there. The basic Shine comes with a basic arm band, and a magnet clasp so you can wear it on your clothing anywhere you go. I can attach it to swim suit and swim and track everything I’m doing. I will have to watch it on the rare occasions I’m near salt water though. For only $119 it tracks more than any other option out there!

Unfortunately there is something I don’t like about the Shine. It’s more something I hope that they provide a change for soon. Early in the Shine design process they had started to provide both support for Android as well as iOS. But when Shine came to market they pulled Android support. What this means is, in order to use Shine – you have to have an iPhone. This leaves a huge part of the market not covered by Shine and us Android users crying for support! Shine is so beautiful that it should be able to be used on all formats – so let’s cross our fingers and toes crossed that Android support is back on the radar soon.

Besides Shine’s beautiful appearance it has something else that other trackers missed the boat on – it doesn’t need to be charged every week. Shine runs on a single battery, that can last for years at a time. This saves time, energy and lets you wear Shine with a bit more confidence that it is actually tracking your movement as you go.

The face of your Shine has a watch face type appearance. You can use the dots to track how far you’ve gone, tell the time or how much of your goal is left. Shine is a gorgeous device that will empower people to be more proactive about their personal health.

Find your Shine tracker at Best Buy this holiday season!

Find Shine at Best Buy this holiday Season: 

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The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free


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