Spend Your Holiday with Your Favorite PEEPS® + Giveaway! #peepsholiday

peeps holiday giveaway

peeps holiday giveaway

Sometimes when I get a package in the mail, I get extremely excited. Last week, I got one of those packages – from PEEPS & Company® filled to the brim with great holiday flavors, Mike & Ikes and even my own plush PEEPS®! All of the goodies were for me to sample and to share with my readers – don’t worry one of you can win one of these great boxes, and there’s a great discount code too if you want to order some PEEPS® for yourself later.

peeps holiday giveawayGrowing up I always looked forward to PEEPS® at Easter. I’m a huge marshmallow fan, so PEEPS® have always been on my must have list for the holidays. But as we’ve gotten older they’ve branched out and cover almost every other holiday – and I can get my sugary marshmallow fix year round. This year they’ve got great new offerings for the holidays that anyone on your list is going to love – from their regular sugar coated peeps, to chocolate flavored reindeer, decorated Christmas trees, snowmen, our favorite Minions (who are just perfect for PEEPS®!) and even new PEEPS® pops!

peeps holiday giveawayIn our house, PEEPS® never last very long. Not only are they so easy to enjoy, but it seems like you open a package and they’re gone in a blink of the eye. One of my favorite things about PEEPS® as well as the Mike and Ike candies that were in this package – they’re gluten free! They’re great and I know I can enjoy without having a problem with my allergies.

I can’t believe how much was packed in this box, and we’ve already enjoyed so many of the holiday PEEPS®. I did give the Banana Creme Minion to my boyfriend since I’m not a huge fan of banana. But the rest- well, those are for me! This was absolutely one of my favorite packages to get this holiday season, and we can’t wait to share some of these great holiday PEEPS® and Mike & Ike candy with our friends and family when they come over during the holiday season.

PEEPS & Company® want you to spend your holiday with them this year. They’re offering a 20% off discount code when you order by December 31st – there’s no minimum order size either! Use Discount Code: SWEETINGS15PEEPS & Company® is also giving one of my lucky readers their very own Holiday with PEEPS® prize pack! Inside one reader will get all of the following goodies:

  • peeps holiday giveawayPEEPS® Large Banana Creme Flavored Minion
  • PEEPS® Vanilla Creme Chicks Pop
  • PEEPS® Marshmallow Minions
  • PEEPS® Candy Cane Flavored Marshmallow Chicks
  • PEEPS® Large Marshmallow Snowmen
  • PEEPS® Gingerbread-Flavored Marshmallow Gingerbread Men
  • PEEPS® Marshmallow Trees
  • PEEPS® Marshmallow Snowmen.
  • PEEPS® Chocolate Mousse-Flavored Marshmallow Reindeer
  • PEEPS® Holiday Pop
  • PEEPS® Plush
  • PEEPS® Lollipop

peeps holiday giveawayHow Can You Win?

Enter to win with the form below. What is your favorite type of PEEPS®? Or Who would you give this prize package to (you can keep it for yourself!)? If you do not do this entry – you will not win! So make sure you leave a comment and then enter using the form below!


The PEEPS® and PEEPS & COMPANY® products, information, and additional gift pack have been provided by PEEPS® and PEEPS & COMPANY®

Christmas Countdown Button


  1. I have a soft spot in my heart for the yellow chick Peeps…. they were the first ones I ever had… so they are my favorite in that way.


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