Sleep Better with the Lumos Light

Circadian Optics Lumos Light Review

We’ve all heard of our circadian rhythm, the cycle our bodies go through that control almost every aspect of our lives. From the amount of energy we have, to the amount of sleep we get at night, to how well your metabolism works. So when your circadian rhythm is out of balance, you will notice that not only your sleep starts to suffer but other parts of your health in general.

It can be as simple as not getting enough daylight due to the weather, or the amount of light or type of light you are exposed to all day by staring at the computer screen, or watching TV. It’s only a small part of what your life but it’s something that can affect your day to day life.

So how do you help your body reset? Help get the proper amount (and type) of lighting that your body will need? Light therapy is the easiest option, but cost prohibitive if you have to go to a special place for it. That is, until now. Now you can bring home the Circadian Options Lumos light that you can use at home when you need it.

The Lumos light provides the provides the recommended 10,000 LUX brightness for effective light therapy to help beat the winter blues, regulate sleep, fight fatigue, boost mood, and improve focus. The lamp produce high-quality light with the right qualities – Pure-white color of the noonday sun (5500K), full-spectrum, and free of unwanted UV rays.

You just have to plug in the Lumos lamp and power it on. It 3 levels allows you to customize the brightness for the best efficacy and comfort.  The LEDs don’t put out any heat so you just get a nice bright light that can help reset your system and help you get what your body really needs. It will be perfect for those cold winter months when the sun don’t make an appearance for weeks at a time.

Check out the different light options from Circadian Optics and get your own Lumos light now. It wont be long until we all need that extra boost of light to keep our systems to the right and regulated – and back to getting the best sleep you’ve ever had.

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