Run Will Make You Questions a Mother’s Love

Run movie review

A mother’s love is pure, it is enduring – that is until it’s not. What if the person you trusted the most wasn’t all that they seemed? When you are young or have a disability, you rely on your mother more than most people – and in Run, it’s the love of a mother that is the biggest threat at all.

Born with disabilities, Chloe has lived her whole life with her mother, and is even home schooled. But as the possibility of college is in her future, Chloe is looking for more independence and dreaming of experiencing the world on her own. Despite what she tries, her mother seems to always get in the way of even her smallest bits of freedom – which starts to make her question the motives her mother actually has.

Run movie review

Being so completely in her mother’s control, and constantly changing medicine, as a viewer – you may immediately believe that her mother has munchausen by proxy and purposely keeping Chloe sick to keep her home. But the reality in Run is so much darker than that, and the fight for Chloe’s life is even more pressing.

Run movie review

Run can’t be marked as a horror movie, but more a thriller and is one that will actually have you thinking and questioning the motives throughout the whole film. Sarah Paulson plays her character well and can quickly switch between a doting mom to one with darker motives quickly and easily. The movie will make viewers uneasy and make them question the motives of those who are closest to them in their lives.

Run is available on Hulu on November 20th with your subscription service.

Overall Rating:

About Run

Run movie review

They say you can never escape a mother’s love… but for Chloe, that’s not a comfort — it’s a threat. There’s something unnatural, even sinister about the relationship between Chloe (newcomer Kiera Allen) and her mom, Diane (Sarah Paulson). Diane has raised her daughter in total isolation, controlling every move she’s made since birth, and there are secrets that Chloe’s only beginning to grasp. From the visionary writers, producers and director of the breakout film Searching, comes a suspense thriller that shows that when mom gets a little too close, you need to RUN.

Directed by: Aneesh Chaganty and written by Aneesh Chaganty & Sev Ohanian, the film is produced by Natalie Qasabian, p.g.a. and Sev Ohanian, p.g.a.


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