One of the reasons we celebrate Earth Day each year is to teach our little ones how to be green and help the planet with their actions. It could be small things like planting a tree, recycling or even up-cycling. But it’s one of the first steps to teaching them how to interact with the world around them. This year Entenmann’s and TerraCycle have paired up to give us all a helping hand teaching our little ones about being green. They sent me an Earth Day prize pack, and they’re going send one to a reader to help you practice green activities even after Earth Day passes.
It’s a lot easier to convince kids that something is good when it involves something they love. Entenmann’s sent us coupons for some of their Little Bites, a reuseable (and upcycled) lunch bag and a $25 Home Depot Gift Card. Goonie was thrilled to see his favorite mini muffins when we brought them home from the store, and he could easily see where some of the packaging was used to make the lunch bag. As for the gift card? It will be perfect for our gardening plans and to set up the compost area to go with it!
The partnership between Entenmann’s and TerraCycle helps turn old food packaging into reuseable packages and even bags that can be used. You can even sign up for their TerraCycle Brigade to help out with your local school. Be sure to check out more about the program below and check out Entenmann’s on Facebook through the end of the month for your chance to win $5000!
Check out some fantastic ways you can get involved with Earth Day from Entenmann’s and TerraCycle.
– Check-it: look for numbers and recycling symbols on plastics to know what types get reused
– Not sure what to do with your Little Bites pouches? Now you can recycle them with the TerraCycle Brigade programs and sign up your school if it is not already participating. Check out what other lunch items TerraCycle recyclesReuse
– Put your sandwich in reusable lunchbox container to take home and use again
– Before you toss anything away, stop to think about how you might be able to use it again. TerraCycle’s team of designers makes products out of wrappers and packaging. Check out great recycling ideas.Replenish
– Have any leftovers from lunch? Before you throw away, make sure to check out what biodegradable foods can be brought back home to be added to a compost pile.
– Make compost at home! Be sure to include the three basic ingredients: Browns (dead leaves, branches, twigs, cardboard, newspaper), Greens (grass clippings, vegetable waste, fruit scraps, coffee grounds) and Water to make an effective outdoor composting area. Check out more info from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
How Can You Win?
Enter to win with the form below. The mandatory entry is leaving a comment on this blog post telling me what you do that is earth friendly! If you do not do this entry – you will not win! So make sure you leave a comment and then enter using the form linked below!
Find Entenmann’s Online:
I have recycle pick up every two weeks for plastic aluminum and paper. I also take my own bags to the grocery.
we reuse containers instead of throwing them away, recycle, use better light bulbs, and never throw away batteries or other electronics.
I recycle! My apt. building has a few bins so I separate bottles and paper products.
We recycle as much as we can and use our own shopping totes.
We recycle everything.
I always use a reusable lunch bag
We recycle as much as we can.
We recycle as much as we can. We are limited to newspaper, glass and aluminum cans at our apartment complex. Looking forward to being in a house again and being a zero waste household.
I recycle as much as I ca and I plant flowers. Thank you!
I try to reuse everything, and often make gifts out of stuff to give away, rather than buying something brand new.
I recycle paper, cans, plastic and anything that i can
we recycle,,hang clothes out to dry,,use reuseable bags when shopping
I recycle bottles paper, plastic
I recycle & reuse
We recycle everything we can. I use re-usable water bottles instead of buying water bottles from the store.
I recycle boxes
Unfortunately my area doesn’t have recycle boxes yet so I save it for my mom to put it in her recycling bins! Thank you!!
We have recycling containers and collect and then drive it to recycling centers.
I have always recycled as much as I could, and used cloth shopping bags before they were available.
We recycle a lot of what comes into the house. We also use reusable shopping bags almost everywhere, not just the grocery store.
I garden.
We recycle everyday!
I recycle newspaper and plastic bottles. I also hang clothes outside to dry when the weather permits.
I recycle as much as possible and try to reuse anything we can for other purposes.
Recycle what I can, Reusable water bottles/water filter, bring my own shopping bags, buy in bulk to decrease packaging.
We recycle.
Reusable lunch box, recycle daily and take plastic bags to grocery recycle bin. Plus I use reusable shopping bags.
We recycle as much as possible, I use my egg shells in my garden, give my pulp from juicing to my chickens, try not to use water bottles, but if we do use them in my garden in the bottom of pots instead of throwing them away! Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
We recycle everything we can, use light bulbs we can recycle at Lowe’s & do all we can! I’m wanting to plant herbs & plan to use kcups to start them. I found how to do it! Thanks for the giveaway!
I recycle as much as I can, and I also don’t use bottled water. I use a refill bottle that can be washed.
We recycle, compost and bring our own bags to the store.
I like to recycle, reuse and repurpose as much as I can
I recycle as much as possible.
I recycle as much as I can. I donate items instead of trashing them, and I also save on water A LOT!
We participate in our county’s bi-weekly recycling program.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I recycle everyday!
I recycle and recycle yard waste
We try to recycle & reuse whatever possible. We also like to pick up litter when taking walks around our neighborhood
I refuse to buy any product with excessive packaging and I recycle every possible thing that can be recycled.
I recycle and grow my own vegetables.
I recycle everything possible and compost kitchen waste.
I recycle as many things as I can.
We recycle every thing we can. We plant a garden each year
and this year we will plant some trees.
We recycle!!!~
In my home, we recycle and also grow a vegetable garden.
We participate in our city’s recycling program, as well as conserve water and electricity.
i recycle
We recycle and reuse items, Turn off things not in use and unplug them
My family does not drink bottled water anymore we get our water from a spring not far from us. We also plant new trees in our yard every year, the kids each get to plant their own.
We participate in the annual walk for wellness in our neighborhood
We recycle our plastic, glass, metal, cardboard, and newspapers. We also compost everything we can.
We recycle as much as we can, use our own shopping totes and stopped buying bottled water.
I’ll be honest and say I don’t do much that is very “green”. The few things I do are only running the water while you need it, use cold water to wash, turn off lights as exiting rooms, and try to find as much eco-friendly packaged products as possible.
I recycle and I reuse as much items as possible and donate old stuff so others can get use from it.
I re-use my sandwich baggies and we recycle our soda cans and bottles.
Earth Day is every day! We reduce, reuse, and recycle year-round. We also shop at the local farmer’s market!
I try to recycle as soon as much as I can.
i recycle and teach my kids to do it as well
We recycle plastics, make our own compost and garden
We recycle, reuse things, and conserve water.
We quit buying bottled water and instead use some really good reusable bottles.
I recycle as much stuff as I can.
we recycle as much as possible
We plant some of our own veggies and pick up trash in the neighborhood.
We recycle as much of our garbage as possible
My family hike along the local creeks and pick up all the treash
I garden veggies organically and with a method that conserves water.
i recycle and reuse what i can
I have a huge recycle bin that gets picked up weekly. I also have a large bin I use for compost. I grow a lot of my own veggies with it. I have a water filter hooked up to my fridge. I don’t buy bottled water. I fill reusable ones and use those. Those are the main things I do.
We recycle, and try to make sure our kids understand the importance of taking care of our planet!
We recycle everything we can. I also save all my coffee grounds for the garden
I recycle and compost
I donate my read magazines to a nursing home and I recycle my plastic & glass.
About 3/4 of my trash I recycle.
yes i re-use and recycle everything i can
I recycle, always make sure to turn lights off when I’m not in the room, and I donate things that others would be able to use instead of throwing it away.
I recycle paper, cans, plastic
We recycle as much as possible and have energy efficient items.
We always recycle and use only non-toxic products on our garden.
Recycle can, replace all interior lights with LED/CFL, use solar lighting for outdoor lighting and energy efficient appliances all around
we recycle weekly!
I recycle and try no t to buy products with too much packaging to begin with.
We use reusable bags for grocery shopping and recycle
We like to recycle
I use all natural products when possible, I recycle and i am very concious of our water usage
We recycle,repurpose stuff others no longer want,compost,and use reusable bags when shopping.
I recycle everything that I can. If I can not, I repurpose it.
We recycle everything and are helping our kids understand what can be reused.