Party like it’s the 80’s with The new Adventures in Babysitting

adventures in babysitting review

adventures in babysitting reviewOne of my best memories as a kid was watching some of our favorite movies with my sister. We absolutely loved Adventures in Babysitting movie, and how it was in one of our favorite cities – Chicago. I was a bit hesitant when I heard that Disney was remaking the movie I loved so much. Knowing the update would be more geared towards kid, lacking a favorite line and have a different tone – I wasn’t sure if I’d like the new made for TV movie.

But we were sent a copy of Disney’s Adventures in Babysitting as well as a fun 80’s party kit to have fun with. Not only did we fall in love with the movie, but had a great time with funky glasses, glow stick necklaces, blow up microphones to have a bit of a blast from the past. The movie takes us back to the city, back to the struggles of babysitting a ton of kids at once and the shenanigans they can get into. And the props, they were perfect for the kids at the party we were throwing!

Adventures in Babysitting brings you simple rules for babysitting, and which one you definitely don’t break “Don’t take your eyes off the kids!” and a crazy adventure that will make you laugh with how silly the situations are. The DVD comes with free magnetic frame based on the movies with a remove-able insert with the rules for babysitting. It’s a cute set, and the movie also comes with unseen bloopers and extras from the cast.

Besides being a new addition to the Disney Channel original movies, Adventures in Babysitting boasts being the 100th original movie of the franchise. It’s a lot of fun, and while it wont replace the original as a favorite movie for me, for kids it’s a fun new adventure. Adventures in Babysitting is rated G and has a total run time of 94 minutes. Check out some clips from the movie below as well as printable activity sheets.

Download Adventures In Babysitting Activities


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