Out of Shadows Brings Back the Nostalgic Feel of the Turtles! #TMNT

tmnt out of the shadows review

tmnt out of the shadows reviewI really didn’t know what to expect when we went in to check out the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie – Out of the Shadows. With mixed reviews on the first release in this series, the new one could be hit or miss on what viewers thought. For me, the beloved Turtles coming to the big screen is awesome even though I’m not a fan of some of the supporting cast. But I went into a sneak preview of the movie with an open mind – and I have to say that I’m happy I did.

Growing up with the Ninja Turtles cartoons, live action movies and even toys and bedding in our house, you could easily say my sister and I were big fans. Goonie is the next generation of that fandom and has inherited some of the original toys and even a bed spread for his room. We love the different personalities that that Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo, and Raphael had and could quickly choose our favorite and which one we related more to – like any other Turtles fan.

Our screening was at the MJR Troy Epic theater, quite honestly the largest movie screen I’ve ever seen, and the largest in the state. It’s four stories tall and eight wide, and with a movie like TMNT: Out of the Shadows in 3D, the images literally pop off the screen right at you. I’ve seen a lot of movies that make an effort at 3D fly outs, but Out of the Shadow took the time to make sure that you get an actual 3D experience. From flying ninja stars, explosions and even close ups of the Turtles and other characters. With that being said, 3D isn’t necessary to enjoy the movie but definitely does add another level to experiencing the movie.

In Out of the Shadows, Shredder breaks out of police custody and using a purple goo to transform two other prisoners (Bebop and Rocksteady) into their animal versions. With the help of his new henchmen, Shredder is working to help Krang for ultimate world domination. In the mean time our four Turtle heroes are working together to try to stop Shredder, while figuring out who they are as they near adult hood. Will the Turtles always stay in their layer during the day, or will they actually find their way in society?

The movie, of course, has a typical Megan Fox scene doing what she does best, but once you get past that – her acting is well suited for the roll of April O’Neil. The Turtles this time better fill out the roll of the Ninja Turtles similar to the original characters and personalities from the 80’s and 90’s. Out of the Shadows also introduces Casey Jones, the newest member of the team, played by Stephen Amell (Arrow). For me, the movie stands well on it’s own and you don’t need to watch the 2014 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie to fully enjoy this one. Characters are introduced again, and no question is left unanswered throughout the movie. To me, it seemed as though the movie was almost a restart again of the series, but done better than the last one.

If you’re a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles definitely head to the theaters to see Out of the Shadows. While the movie is made with newer technology and updated, overall it has a nostalgic feel and a bit of an early 90’s kick. Mohawks, fashion and even music references can be found throughout the movie, and will take original TMNT fans back to the beginning. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows is now in theaters and is rated PG-13, mostly due to fight scenes and a couple swear words. Check out the trailer the movie below and see it in theaters everywhere now!


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