Our Adventures in Urban Bee Keeping

Urban Bee Keeping

Back in April I started on an awesome new adventure, and I’m taking our family along for the ride. We’re entering the world of Urban Bee Keeping and will soon welcome our own bees to our yard. Bee keeping is something I toyed with the idea of wanting to do in a couple years, but the stars aligned and we’re very quickly heading in the direction of having our own hive!

Urban Bee KeepingWhen we moved into our new house last summer, one thing I was looking for was a yard large enough to have a garden. More and more we’re taking control of our diets, and growing our food was a big priority. I had toyed with the idea of getting a chicken coop, but when Michigan killed the Right to Farm Act last year for many communities and we moved into a community that didn’t allow coops I knew that was off the table. But I made sure to check with Municode to see what we could have, and bees weren’t excluded! The site gave me the guidelines for everything we are allowed to do in our community and puts the codes into a searchable format.

Urban Bee KeepingBut a trip to Eastern Market, and running into Green Toes Gardens quickly changed our plans. Not only do they do natural bee keeping, but they teach classes locally! It didn’t take much for my boyfriend and I to decide that we wanted our own hive, not only for our own honey for my allergies but for our gardens. So, that next week I signed up for bee keeping classes, and I’m taking my mother along for the ride!

So far I’ve gotten mixed responses from friends, coworkers, students and family. But overall it’s mostly been interest in what’s going on and what it will mean in our family and yard. I’m looking forward to sharing our adventures with you as we get our bees and welcome them into our yard and how you can learn more about adding hives to your life!


  1. Honey is so good for you! I’m planning an organic orchard when we move. Next summer I will be on my little tractor

  2. That is so cool Becky! I’ve noticed that there are very little bees around here the last few years, even yellow jackets! I’m excited to follow and see how this works out for you. It would be a perfect thing where we live too. We need bees for our food!


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