My Feeding Friend Product Review and Giveaway!

My Feeding Friend Review
My Feeding Friend
When you get things for your babies they’re often things they need for that stage of their life. But babies grow quickly, and often you find that item you spent your money on gets used once or twice before you pack it away or get rid of it. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could get an item that will stick with your babies for a year, or even more?

My feeding friend

My Feeding Friend is just that item – it’s a large breast feeding pillow that has multiple uses. Not only can it be used as a breast feeding pillow when your baby is little, but it can be used for Tummy Time and helping them sit up later. As your child grows into a toddler and child, they also have a large stuffed animal to play with. They will have their My Feeding Friend from their very early memories and through their childhood.Β My Feeding Friends are currently available inΒ Dalmatians, Turtles, Monkeys and Tigers but they will be getting more animal choices next year.

To review the My Feeding Friend I recruited a couple of friends and their new son Calvin – that’s him with his new My Feeding Friend. He’s a bit over 11 weeks now. They like the My Feeding Friend. The only negative things they had to say was if it’s not in use, because of the size you have to put it on the back of the couch or it can get in the way. Little Calvin also has a “death grip” right now and he has managed to pull out a couple bits of hair. But overall they really like using the My Feeding Friend and like that as Calvin grows he’ll still have Β his Dalmatian friend to play with!

Would you like to win a My Feeding Friend of your own? You can enter below and win one for you or a friend!

How can you win?
Enter to winΒ with the form below. The mandatory entry is leaving a comment on thisΒ blog postΒ telling me who you would get this for and how old the baby is! – If you don’t do this, you will not win! So make sure you leave a comment and then enter using the form linked below!

Find My Feeding FriendΒ Online:

My feeding friend logo




  1. I have a friend who is about to be a first time grandma. I believe this would be an awesome gift! πŸ™‚ The baby is due any minute now. πŸ™‚

  2. oh i so would get this for my son he will love this and plus his birthday is just 2 months away this will be a perfect gift πŸ™‚ thanks

  3. Would love to have this to use for #2!!! It looks like it might work better than a Boppy pillow for someone who is a little bigger too. (And I’m sure #1 would love playing with it too πŸ™‚ lol)


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