Missuse and other issues…

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Please take a few minutes to read this statement from the CIC regarding their stance on TLC’s Extreme Couponing. There has been some chatter on the couponing sites about Fraud on the show and other issues. Check out this article regarding at least one of the shoppers featured on the show. This is a continued problem that can have negative results for everyone trying to use coupons correctly to save money.
If coupons are used properly you can save a ton of money, but misusing them by applying them to improper sizes or products not only shapes Coupon Policies of different companies, but can make the store lose a ton of money if they’re audited. If a store accepts the coupon for a wrong product, or size the Manufacturer doesn’t need to honor it – so the store wont get the money back and everyone loses out.

For current couponing policies please check out the Resources page towards the bottom. I will try to keep these as up to date as possible.

While we’re on the topic of proper use, or etiquette please take a few minutes to read this blog about getting freebies. Please remember that these companies are extending the offers as a courtesy.

Happy Shopping!


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