Make Your own Care Bears at Build-A-Bear #shareyourcare

Build a Bear Troy Review

How many kids can say that they brought their best friends to life? That’s exactly what can kids can say after they make and customize their own best friend at Build-A-Bear Workshop. The store offers everything from from your favorite movie characters, standard bears and yes, even Care Bears! I was invited to take a couple of our little reviewers to our local Build-A-Bear Workshop and get the experience of making our own Care Bears for them to take home and play with.

Build a Bear Troy ReviewArmed with gift cards, these two little ones got to choose the Care Bears they would be taking home as well as some accessories for their new friends. There were so many choices at the Troy Build-A-Bear Workshop, but they decided to take home Cheer Bear and Tenderheart Bear. But they also had a little extra luck – the Care Bears are currently Buy One Get One, so they had even more of their gift cards to get accessories for their new friends!

Build a Bear Troy ReviewThis wasn’t just the kids first time at Build-A-Bear Workshop, it was also mine. I’ve worked with the products in the past, but never had the experience of making the bears, or watched it be done. We had a fantastic helper at the workshop named Liz, who not only was great with the kids but made it a full experience for them and us. From getting the filling in the bears, walking the kids through starting their hearts and even stitching them up, she helped with every stage of the build process. They were offered custom scents, beating hearts and sounds and can make the Care Bears completely their own.

Build a Bear Troy ReviewAfter a good bath, the bears were ready to go, and we just had to go shop for accessories and create their birth certificates. One thing we loved about the whole experience was each bear has a track-able tag so if the stuffed friend ever gets lost any location can track it back to the owner. Also, all items come with a life time guarantee and they will repair your purchases if they ever become damaged.

Build a Bear Troy ReviewThe kids loved their experience at Build-A-Bear Workshop and were excited to take their new friends home with them. They even made sure they were outfitted like their favorite characters, and since any of the outfits and accessories work with the stuffed animals in the store, they could even get Paw Patrol outfits, Ninja Turtle Shirts and even Justice League underwear! Their own Care Bears can even get their furniture, beds and toys to play with.

Check out the selection of Care Bears at Build-A-Bear Workshop, and hurry in to get one before they’re gone!


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