Learn More About the Man behind Mister Rogers in Wont You Be My Neighbor

wont you be my neighbor trailer

wont you be my neighbor trailer

Generations grew up up watching Mister Rogers, the friend we all learned from on PBS. But few of us know much about the man who not only came up with the show but became one of our first friends. Fred Rogers was a real man, and there was a lot of depth to him as well as the reasons he made the show. Today, in select cities fans of the show can learn more about Fred Rogers in the new Focus Features film Wont You be My Neighbor.

When we went in to the theater to screen Wont You be My Neighbor I assumed it was more of a recreation of the life of Fred Rogers. But Won’t You Be My Neighbor is a documentary that not only carefully tells the story of Fred Rogers, but includes original footage and interviews with people from his day to day life including his wife and sons.

Won’t You be My Neighbor starts at the very beginning, how the show got started and the fight for PBS and how Mister Rogers actually was integral in getting funding to start and maintain PBS. With real clips from the show and events where Mister Rogers went, the children’s who lives he impacted and even the cast, the story quickly comes together and brings you to tears as you remember how impactful watching the show was on you as a child.

The movie shows you the whole story of Mister Rogers, from his personal life, his commitment to children and the reasons behind every move he made. As a life long fan of the show it was great seeing behind the scenes, the relationships between the cast and the star. And don’t worry, it will address some of the rumors you’ve heard about Fred Rogers as well. If you’re a lover of documentaries, true life stories and of course Mister Rogers – be sure to check out Won’t You Be My Neighbor in theaters now!

Wont You be My Neighbor Official Trailer:

About Wont You Be My Neighbor:

wont you be my neighbor movie posterFor over thirty years, Fred Rogers, an unassuming minister, puppeteer, writer and producer was beamed daily into homes across America. In his beloved television program, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, Fred and his cast of puppets and friends spoke directly to young children about some of life’s weightiest issues, in a simple, direct fashion. There hadn’t been anything like Mr. Rogers on television before and there hasn’t been since.

Though he may be best known today as a soft-spoken, cardigan-wearing children’s television host, in reality, Fred Rogers’ career represents a sustained attempt to present a coherent, beneficent view about how we should best speak to children about important matters and how television could be used as a positive force in our society.

In Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, Academy Award-winning filmmaker Morgan Neville (Twenty Feet from Stardom) looks back on the legacy of Fred Rogers, focusing on his radically kind ideas. While the nation changed around him, Fred Rogers stood firm in his beliefs about the importance of protecting childhood. Neville pays tribute to this legacy with the latest in his series of highly engaging, moving documentary portraits of essential American artists.

Focus Features presents Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, a Tremolo Production in association with Impact Partners and PBS / Independent Lens, a film by Morgan Neville, edited by Jeff Malmberg and Aaron Wickenden, ACE, cinematographer Graham Willoughby, co-executive producers Nion McEvoy, Leslie Berriman, Jenny Raskin, executive producers David J. Cornfield and Linda A. Cornfield, David Stone and David Boies III, Rick Rosenthal & Nancy Stephens, John Boccardo & Derek Esplin, Andrea van Beuren, Jenifer Westphal, Dan Cogan, Geralyn Dreyfous and Regina Scully, produced by Caryn Capotosto and Nicholas Ma, produced and directed by Morgan Neville.

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