Kitchen Basics Giveaway! #Christmascountdown

Spectrum Diversified Giveaway
Spectrum Diversified Kitchen Product Reviews
With the holiday season getting closer and closer, we need to start thinking about preparing our homes for guests, entertaining or even preparing the holiday feast. This year I’ve been working with Spectrum Diversified to help my readers get ready for the holidays. They sent me a few of their great kitchen tools to test out and tell you all about.

Spectrum Diversified Kitchen Product Reviews

The first tool Spectrum Diversified sent me was something that solved a problem I’ve had since we’ve moved to our new home. Whenever I’m cooking, it’s hard to find a place to put the spoon down. At our last place, I had no problem putting a bit of paper towel down since our spoon rest broke. But on our new counter, I don’t want the moisture to come through the paper towel to the granite. I wanted to find something that would not only hold the spoon, but would match several other things in my kitchen.

Spectrum Diversified Kitchen Product Reviews

The Euro Flat Spoon Rest, fit everything I was looking for. The back part holds the handle up where it is easy to reach while you’re working. The square ceramic dish fits perfectly into the metal base and catches any drippings as you go. Instead of peeling off the paper towel after I am done cooking, I simply wash the small ceramic dish in the dishwasher and everything is clean and put away. The sleek and streamline shape is not only functional but also fits perfectly in the design of my kitchen.

Spectrum Diversified Kitchen Product Reviews

But it’s not all about tools in the kitchen, sometimes our tools need an assistant. That is where the Euro Cookbook holder comes in handy. It’s shaped perfectly to hold a full cookbook open to make it easy to read while reducing the chance of getting the recipe getting messy and covered in ingredients.

Spectrum Diversified Kitchen Product Reviews

The Euro Cookbook holder actually is at more of a reclined angle than I’ve seen in similar products. This makes it extremely easy to read while you’re working. And it’s thicker gauged metal holds everything easily in place. The design of the cookbook holder actually makes it perfect to hold decorative plates or other items you want to display. It’s easy to use, doesn’t require any extra work just slide your cookbook in and get ready to cook!

Spectrum Diversified Kitchen Product Reviews

The next tool is something that I’ve been looking for for a while. We all use cloth hot pads, but I’ve always been in love with the look of metal trivets. They have multiple uses, keep your hot pots and pans off your counter, and don’t require being tossed into the washing machine if you spill or slop on them. The Euro Grande Trivet fits everything I’ve been looking for.

Spectrum Diversified Kitchen Product Reviews

The Euro Grande Trivet, not only holds a medium 2 Qt sauce pan, but could easily fit another next to it. The sturdy construction of the trivet will easily hold the weight and size of a full 6 quart dutch oven, all while holding it above the counter top. The space below the trivet allows air to flow around the hot pan (or pans) making them easier to handle sooner. The trivet will keep your counter tops safe, and the smooth design of the Euro Grande will prevent scratches from happening as well.

Spectrum Diversified Kitchen Product Reviews

One of my favorite kitchen basic tools we often forget we want, or need is a fruit bowl. We go through a lot of fruit in our home, but we don’t always store them properly. Different fruit let off certain gasses that can actually speed up how quickly other fruits go bad when they are stored with each other. And that’s why we needed the Blossom Fruit Tree. Instead of keeping our bananas on top of our apples like we have for years, they are now able to hang from the hook above them. And unless we buy too many apples – they never come in contact. The large open flower design keeps in a full bag of apples (and a few more) which allows air to flow around them before we use them. The bananas hang right above everything and stay fresh and ready for us. The design is beautiful and slightly feminine, but it serves its purpose perfectly. The bowl is large and great for the amount of fruit we use every day in our house, and having it displayed on the counter means it’s a more tempting treat instead of the unhealthy snacks that could be an option.

Spectrum Diversified Ktichen Basics Review

Now, the final tool is something I didn’t even know existed until last year. I’m not quite sure how that even happened, but I happened upon a sponge holder while we were looking at houses. I instantly started to look at where you could find them – and while they’re out there, all aren’t created equally. I have found some that are cheaply made, made of ugly (and I mean ugly plastic) and others that aren’t worth the money you’d pay for them.

Spectrum Diversified Ktichen Basics Review

The idea of a sponge holder is simple, and I’ll say genius. It keeps your sponge off your sink ledge and allows it to drain properly. You wont be left with crud on your sink, and it reduces your sponge getting smelly. In all of my searching I hadn’t found a sponge holder as pretty as the Leaf Suction Sink Cradle. With the use of two suction cups the sponge holder can go anywhere inside your sink and will hold strong as you use your sponges and put them back. I love the overall appearance of the Leaf sink cradle, but more what it does for my sink. My soaps are clear to stay where they are without competing with sponges or brushes, and I don’t have to deal with extra water on my counters after I’m done the dishes. Like I said, it’s a simple solution – but one that I wish I knew about years ago!

There are several great kitchen basics Spectrum Diversified has to offer, and these are just a handful. Feel free to check out their website for other options and color choices, or you can enter to win these great kitchen tools below!

How Can You Win?

Enter to win with the form below. The mandatory entry is leaving a comment on this blog post telling me which of the kitchen basic tools you like the most and why! If you do not do this entry – you will not win! So make sure you leave a comment and then enter using the form linked below!

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Christmas Countdown


    • Love Love Love the Euro Cookbook holder this would be a godsend to be able to see my recipes closer up!!! Thank you for the chance to win 🙂

  1. I really like the cookbook holder– this is something I really could use==keeping my books off the counter so Im not spilling on them, which I have many times

  2. I would use that Blossom Fruit Tree EVERYDAY!! I keep forgetting to get a fruit bowl, so everything just kinda chills in a pile on my counter! 🙁

  3. I like the Blossom Fruit Tree. I always have fruit out in a bowl on my counter. This one is much more practical and stylish.

  4. I really like them all but the sponge holder is probably my favorite. I like it because it’s very handy to keep the sponge off of the sink.

  5. I really like them all but I need the cookbook holder– If youd see some of my books you would understand why– I am messy

  6. I really like the sponge holder because it’s both pretty and practical. I’ve seen similar products that, while they do the job, are a bit of an eyesore.

  7. Those are all so nice and pretty! I have to agree with you, I love the Euro Grande Trivet. I have been using the pot holders and just the eyes on the stove.. lol. This would be so fancy looking! 🙂

  8. I like their blossom fruit tree. I’ve always heard you should hang bananas to keep them fresh longer, but I’ve never had a gadget like that. I like the way this one also has a bowl on the bottom.

  9. The steel trivet is my favorite because its much better than quilted pot pads …and I like that it will accommodate all size pots.

  10. I would love to own the Euro Grande Trivet, because it would mean less dirty cloths to wash. Plus, it looks as if the Trivet would do a better job of protecting the counter tops.

  11. I think I’d have to flip a coin to decide between the Cookbook Holder and the Fruit Tree (both would be used A LOT and would be very much appreciated ~ they all would!

  12. I like the Leaf Suction Sink Cradle the best. I usually just leave my sponge on the sink. Most sponge holders I’ve come across are hard to clean and take up too much space. The cradle with it’s suction cups fits in the sink and allows the sponge to completely dry out.

  13. My favorite item is the Blossom Fruit Tree. I like that it has an overhanging hook for bananas so you can put other fruit like apples and oranges in the bowl part.It is a nice and easy way to display fruit and not have it take up a lot of counter space.

  14. Euro Grande Trivet I like it because it allows air to flow around the hot pans or pots helping them cool faster. And the fact it keeps the countertops safe is a plus.

  15. My favorite is the Euro Cookbook holder. I have this item and love it – it doesn’t take up much room and holds my cookbooks open while I cook.

  16. I would love the Euro Cookbook Holder, since it is so hard to set my cookbook on the counter when I’m trying to make something. Thanks!

  17. Thanks for the giveaway…we like the Bloom Fruit Tree; our current fruit bowl is an old pie tin, and we like how it keeps the bananas from getting bruised !

  18. That’s probably a tie between the sponge holder and the banana/ apple holder. I go through a lot of bananas per week, since my little girl loves them for breakfast. They always last a lot longer if their hung up. And of course the sponge holder for all “those” reasons lol. first of all, i haven’t had one in years and mainly, because they keep your sponges from getting that “it’s time to throw me away” smell, too soon.

  19. I would like to have the cookbook holder. I make copies of the pages and then use a clip clothes hanger to hang it from the cabinets. I would like this instead.


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