Kinivo BTE40 Bluetooth Stereo Earphones for More than Music!

kinivo bte40 review

kinivo bte40 reviewAs technology continues to grow, we’re getting smaller and smaller devices. This is great for convenience and portability. The Kinivo BTE40 is one of the devices that fit perfectly in that category – it’s a new Bluetooth stereo earphone system that is tiny – and can actually be used for more than just music.

kinivo bte40 reviewThe BTE40 Bluetooth Stereo Earphones really come in two pieces, the receiver that can be used with ear buds of your choice and some soft gel covered earphones. The BTE40 come with a charging cable, additional ear gels, and larger AV cords. This means that the BTE40 will connect with more than just your phone or iDevice. Instead you can plug your BTE40 into your home theater system and use the small controller to change the volume, change songs and more from a small device you can carry in your pocket.

With a rechargeable battery in the controller, you can can not only play back music but use it to take a call – and even use your favorite headphones with the device! The BTE40 works with Bluetooth 4.0 which should work with all new devices, and you have 6 hours of music/talk time and up to 300 hours of standby time!

The flexibility of the product makes it a great addition for your favorite device and would be a great gift idea for your techie grads or dads! Connect and listen to any of your Bluetooth devices but also any A2DP enabled devices. The price point makes the BTE40 a great option for a quick gift, or to upgrade some of your own technology!


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