It’s all coming together

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Today has been a busy day – and somehow I feel like I’ve neglected this blog. I have kept up and put some great freebies on Facebook and on here. But today was a great day and there was a good reason for it.
I had a meeting with a possible investor. That’s right an investor! It is for one of my side businesses. Right out of grad school I had my first freelance job and shortly after started Rusao Designs. I have filled some days with interior design projects, graphic design, website design and even jewelry design. A few months later myself and another designer started Michigan Artisans – focusing on representing local artists and planning shows. Sometimes it’s a toss up which keeps me busier, but neither really pay well.

The membership of Michigan Artisans is growing and quickly. Our last show Youtique had over 40 local artists and helped us raise money towards our next step. What would that step be? Opening a retail gallery/boutique. We have found a location, have artists interested in renting studio spaces and consigning their pieces – we just need the funding to get going. Today’s meeting was the first step towards that! A fellow artist who shares our goals and outlook on the local art scene.

So I went for a visit, with some of my gluten free donut muffins in hand – she previously told me that I should open a bakery, and that she was dreaming of these after trying them. It was a great visit and a great first step!

It’s taken me a while to get here. Besides being unemployed I have had a few bumps along the way. This year has started out rough – I was busy to start with clients. I still have a few projects at different levels of design, one still in limbo since January – that I hope I finally get the images so I can finish that one up.

It just seemed like every time I would start to get some money saved up it would fly out the window. I finished a website, deposited the check and my car got a flat tire. Not only did the tire go out- the others needed replaced as well as one of the rim. So all of the funds I had went out the window. Enter my tax return, which ironically was the exact amount of the tire debacle. And as soon as that came in, I was hit with the third round of bronchitis and sinus infections.. which I have to say is expensive without health insurance.. Then the icing on the cake, our fridge died…but came back to life the next day (we have dubbed it the Zombie Fridge). Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining – I’m thankful that each time sometime died, need replaced or I was sick I actually had the money in my account. But that’s all that was there.

In the past couple months I’ve been thankful that I have started to get over this horrible crud that has been circling through the area. I also am thankful that I’m starting to get a couple more graphic jobs, and my jewelry has started to be sold in a shop up north. Every little bit helps!

So now as both businesses are starting to pick up, I’m hoping that I might be able to stash some money in my account just for a rainy day. My goal after all is to be able to pay some of my bills by the time I’m 30 (under 2 years from now). That is why saving money is so important. I want to be in a position where I can pay bills, take care of myself and our little family. It seems funny that’s all I’m focused on now, however it’s very important.

As this blog will continue to grow, I will give as much information as I can find as well as great freebies and giveaways. I hope that we can all save money by what I find on here.

And if you have a few, enter our first fan giveaway! I promise there will be some good coupons in there for health and beauty, hair and make up products and even food products.


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