IHHS Highlights New Products, Brands and Trends #IHHS2014

ihhs 2014 recap

IHHS 2014Every Spring, brands large and small converge in Chicago to show off their new products. They maybe the latest, the greatest and even some win awards for their innovation, use of green technology and more. The International Home + Housewares Show (or IHHS) is where they all meet, for an industry only convention that brings out interesting products and ideas.

IHHS 2014

This past weekend I attended IHHS to see what was coming to the home and our kitchens in the near future. With celebrity Chef appearances and demonstrations, over 2,000 exhibitors and events – we were always on our feet. In the matter of four days, we actually walked over 25 miles. I was able to see some of my favorite brands, some I have worked with in the past, and found several new brands that can be found in stores near me.

But what are the coming trends in kitchen ware? Throughout the show there were some common ideas or goals that continued to appear from booth to booth, even if the companies had nothing else in common. Some were made in the USA, others over seas. But these goals were evident:

  • Safer food products: Besides safety features, the actual materials that go into your products are heavily considered. All of the exhibitors I spoke with used BPA free plastics, food grade silicone or used products free of any harmful chemicals. Teflon will be illegal to sell in 2015, so pan coats have been changed to food safe materials.
  • Convenience: Not just for the cook, but for the family. This has been heavily focused on in product design. Making sure the travel mug will actually fit in the cup holder in your car, or making packing lunch easier.
  • Scratch Cooking: There is a growing movement to cook more from scratch in the home, you can see it on my blog and elsewhere. Product design is following suit! Making it easier to cook from scratch and more enjoyable. Will the new tools make you a master chef? Probably not, but it’ll help you feed your family easier!
  • Green Design: The focus on material goes beyond “is it healthy to put food on”, but also focuses on “is it healthy for the planet”. Green design and responsible sourcing of materials is surging in the design of products.
  • Get the Kids Cooking: If they cook it – they eat it! It’s that simple. Some companies are starting to notice it, and really with the summer coming this is a great way to get your kids in the kitchen. Get them their own tools and let them help out, they even make kid sized cake decorating kit. If you teach them earlier enough they will not only be able to help out later, but will probably enjoy cooking more.
  • Traditional Cooking: It’s making a come back! “Older” style cooking like fondue and baking pies is on a surge. You will see a more vintage style of design, products and preparation.
  • Color: The kitchen isn’t just black and white, and companies are responding to that. Bright colors, mix and match and even customizable products are coming to the market soon!

Whatever your cooking style, your kitchen or household need there is something coming your way this year. Most of the products shown below will be on the market soon, if they aren’t already! It’s time to get cooking!



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