How the Face of Technology is Changing Business


Starting your own business can be stressful, but over the years I’ve found that using the right software can make your job easier. There are a lot of different things that you need to handle on your own keeping accounts balanced, tracking mileage, invoicing and more. Thankfully, there are a lot of options for a small business person to run your business easily without needing a large staff.

The first several years of running a business I kept track of all of my income and expenses on a spread sheet. While this actually works very well, at the end of the year I had to separate everything out into appropriate categories and calculate the totals. You can use the same system and some calculations to track your mileage for your business as well.

Over the last year I started using an app to track not only my mileage, but all of the income and expenses. It is easy to do right from my phone and only takes a few minutes each night. This year when I’m working on my taxes I just have to print out a couple of quick reports and everything is categorized and ready for our accountant – and the minimal amount of time that it took me saved me several hours that I could easily use to make more money working for clients.

If your business is large enough to have employees and you’re heading larger projects for clients you may need to coordinate a lot of different parts of the project. Project management is a special skill, and one that is made a lot easier with programs like Asana where you can divide and separate work loads between different team members, attach files, share screens and even schedule due dates for clients.

The age of technology is here, and each day a new program or app is being created that makes running your own business that much easier. We’re in the age of entrepreneurs and small businesses are surging through the marketplace. More and more we’re working for ourselves and changing how businesses need to be set up and the amount of hours needed to focus on menial tasks that use to consume our lives.

If you’re working on setting up your business and need assistance there are plenty of experts  you can turn to with different business solutions and products you can turn to. One you can look for for inspiration is Andrew Charlton, creator of an economic consulting and analytics company. If you need to setup IT or tech support for your business, BCA is the place to go.


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