Homemade Fruit Leather – Strawberry Apple! 

strawberry fruit leather recipe

Homemade Fruit LeatherSometimes you need something good and delicious for the road. But not just good tasting but good for you as well. There are few things as good as homemade fruit leather – and even the kids love it!

Homemade Fruit Leather

Yes, this is a dehydrator recipe. You can make it in the oven as well, but I would suggest researching the temperature and times to do it. Some recipes I found said to dry the leather for 3 hours on a low temperature. Knowing how long this took in the dehydrator – that probably wont work the best. Do whatever method makes sense for you and is the easiest for you!

If you plan on using a dehydrator you will need special tray inserts for this recipe! You can find fruit roll trays on Amazon and several other sites.


  • 1 Quart fresh organic strawberries
  • 2 cups apple sauce
  • Cooking Spray


  1. Wash and core all of your strawberries. Place them in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.
  2. Add in your apple sauce and blend again until smooth.
  3. Spray your fruit roll trays with your cooking spray until well coated. Spray it well.
  4. With a spatula smooth your fruit blend onto the trays – one at a time. Be sure to have them on the tray first before applying fruit.
  5. Once both trays are full place the top on your dehydrator and turn it on to 140 degrees.
  6. Let it dry for up to 12 hours. Test it occasionally by touching the top. The finished fruit leather will not be wet but may be a bit tacky.
  7. When your fruit leather is done, place a sheet of parchment paper down on a cutting board and slide one of your leather discs onto it. Use a pizza cutter to cut it into strips, roll them up for your own fruit roll ups!
  8. Enjoy!

Store in a lidded container up to a couple weeks – but they wont last that long 😉



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