Home Style Potatoes Au Gratin Recipe with Epicurean Cutting Board Review

potatoes au gratin recipe

Epicurean Cutting Board

To make the potatoes au gratin this time I used an 11.5 x 9 non-slip cutting board by Epicurean. I had previously used their boards in a cooking glass I had taken and loved that they stayed in place while I worked.

The cutting board is a lot smaller than the rest in the collection I have, but I loved the size. Not only did it provide enough space for me to cut my veggies up, it also wasn’t too big. I’ve had issues with other cutting boards being a bit too big and I’ve had to angle it while using it so I didn’t hit any of my appliances in my small kitchen.

The Epicurean cutting boards are made of FSC certified wood, and one of my favorite features the grips are removable so it is completely washable! My knives work perfectly on it, and it is knife safe so it wont do any damage to the blades as I keep using it. This is a great every day board, and I even store it in the cupboard next to the colander so it’s getting a lot more use than the larger boards lately! It was a great board to work with to make our yummy potatoes au gratin!


  • 3 medium potatoes, washed and sliced thinly.
  • 1 shallot, chopped finely
  • 2 tbsp butter + additional butter
  • 1 tbsp white rice flour
  • 2 cups milk (or heavy cream)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp fresh pepper
  • 2 cups shredded cheese of your choice – I use anything from cheddar to gouda


  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees
  2. In a medium sauce pan melt your butter and saute your shallots until just see through. Add in your flour and mix until everything is well coated. Add in your milk salt and pepper and simmer over a medium temperature.
  3. While your milk starts to thicken add in your potato slices one by one. Be careful they don’t stick to one another. Once all of your potatoes are in the milk cook for about five minutes.
  4. Prepare a medium sized casserole dish (or souffle dish) and pour half of your potato and milk mixture in the dish. Top with 1 cup of your cheese and carefully press down.
  5. Pour the remaining potatoes and sauce in the dish and top with the remaining cheese. Sprinkle more salt and pepper on top if desired.
  6. Bake for 45 minutes.
  7. Allow to sit for about 10 minutes before serving.

Cheesy Potatoes

These potatoes are ooey-gooey delicious. When I give my boyfriend an option of potatoes they are always his first choice!

This recipe is part of the Food Challenge with nine other bloggers. You can check out the recipes below for this challenge! Each month we’ll be doing another challenge – let us know if you try any of the recipes!

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