Gollywood Here I Come – Can a Little Turkey Make it to the Big Time? #Christmascountdown

Gollywood Here I come Review
Gollywood Here I come Review
With all of the reality shows out there, pretty much everyone dreams of stardom. Even turkeys like Anamaize Marie LaBelle does. She’s a talented turkey and has big dreams of making it to Gollywood! You can follow along Anamaize’s journey in a brand book Gollywood Here I Come!

Gollywood Here I come Review

Gollywood Here I Come is a brand new book by Terry John Barto, and it will be available on November 4th. Just in time for Thanksgiving you can share this fun new story with your little one. We were sent a copy to review before it came out.

Anamaize is a talented turkey, just like many kids out there. She dreams of going to Gollywood, so when Gobbleville’s Got Talent comes to town she tries out and doesn’t quite make it! But out of failure, her star begins to rise when a talent scout finds her. It’s a heartwarming story of how a little turkey’s dream can come true, full of bright colors and encouraging messages.

Gollywood Here I Come will be available at stores near you and on Amazon as well. It’s time to release your inner star inside!

Christmas Countdown


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