Just when we thought Marvel studios couldn’t make another block busters – they release Ant-Man and the Wasp. I went in already a huge Ant-Man fan, but I’m pretty sure this is going to be the hit of the summer and one that will have fans speculating for weeks to come. The movie picks up two years after we last saw Ant-Man in Captain America Civil War and will help to answer some questions we’ve had about the character, and what he’s been up to since he went super sized in that epic battle.
If you’re already a fan of the MCU, no doubt you have plans to see Ant-Man and the Wasp when it hits theaters later this week. You probably already know to stay through all of the credits to get the bonus scenes and hints to sequels. But why should you go see the smallest of the Avengers in theaters? There are so many reasons but we put a few here that may help you head in on this holiday weekend to check out the film.

The Action Scenes Are Amazing
Any Marvel Super Hero film has action scenes that can take your breath away. The effects are awesome and you often feel like you are in the middle of the epic battle. But when you add in size changing abilities it adds another dimension to the fights. Ant-Man and the Wasp brings not only shrinking and growing abilities to the characters, but to the vehicles they’re driving, buildings and a lot of other unexpected elements. You’ll find yourself racing down the streets of San Francisco and to many of the iconic tourist areas throughout the scenes.
Is 3D necessary to enjoy the scenes? Not at all, but it definitely makes the action a bit more entertaining.

A Female Super Hero Takes the Lead
We’ve seen some pretty amazing female super heroes in the MCU, but they’re often part of the team and not one of the lead characters. But Hope van Dyne, aka The Wasp is a not only a lead but can handle it without assistance. It’s been a while since she’s teamed up with Ant-Man and her relationship with Scott is a bit shaky. During their separation, Hope has taken on the role of The Wasp that the end scene in the original Ant-Man movie hinted at. Not only does she take advantage of her size changing abilities, but she puts her combat fighting skills to good use. Yes, she works great as a team with Scott (in more than one way of course), but The Wasp can handle it on her own if she needs to. Will we see The Wasp have her own movie without Ant-Man? Only the future will tell. But for now, we know there is a strong female super hero that displays her skills and intelligence with pride.

New Bad Guys to Love to Hate (or Love)
Every good guy has to have a bad guy right? In Ant-Man and the Wasp, Marvel doesn’t just throw one new bad guy at the team but two groups. It can’t be as easy as going on a mission, saving the day and one good fight right? The movie brings in Ghost, or Ava, a young girl who is phasing on the quantum level and wants to find a way to stop the pain and her condition – at any cost. It also brings in a team of career criminals who want the Pym technology to use for their own financial benefit. The team has a hard time catching a break, but it leads to moments where you sympathize with the bad guys, and others where you will laugh at the situations they are put in. Are all bad guys made that way? You may just find yourself liking one or two of them.
Family takes Center Stage throughout the Film
If it’s Scott with his daughter, or Pym with Hope, or their search for her mother – Ant-Man movies always focus heavily on the family dynamic. It’s at the heart of the movie and something we love about them. The father/daughter relationship is depicted beautifully in this movie through both relationships. While hinted at some in the original Ant-Man movie, Ant-Man and the Wasp also brings to the table the family dynamics of the family you find over time. It’s not all genetics that make up your family, but the relationships you build with friends and those around you. You may need a couple tissues for the heart felt moments, but don’t worry they wont slow the film down.

There is Perfectly Time Humor Throughout
We’re pretty sure Ant-Man wouldn’t have been as big of a hit without Luis. His perfectly timed rambling and unique story telling makes you laugh every time. It’s this same type of humor that is used throughout Ant-Man this time and even in the dark and heavy scenes, the movie has you laughing at something ridiculous they have decided to do. Can you expect another Luis story time moment? It wouldn’t be an Ant-Man movie without one!
Ant-Man and the Wasp is everything fans are hoping it will be, and then some. It’s hard for me to even believe I’m saying this, but it has unseated the original Ant-Man as my favorite in the MCU (so far of course). With the exception of a couple of curse words, and maybe one or two scenes that are a bit on the dark side – Ant-Man and the Wasp is safe for children. The movie is PG-13, so of course use your judgement. But our recommendation is to see this while it’s in theaters so you don’t miss a detail!
Ant-Man and the Wasp will be in theaters on July 6th!
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Watch the “Who is the Wasp?” Featurette:
Ant-Man and the Wasp Trailer:
Ant-Man and the Wasp – The Wasp Poster:
About Ant-Man and the Wasp:
From the Marvel Cinematic Universe comes ANT-MAN AND THE WASP, a new chapter featuring heroes with the astonishing ability to shrink. In the aftermath of CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR, Scott Lang grapples with the consequences of his choices as both a Super Hero and a father. As he struggles to rebalance his home life with his responsibilities as Ant-Man, he’s confronted by Hope van Dyne and Dr. Hank Pym with an urgent new mission. Scott must once again put on the suit and learn to fight alongside the Wasp as the team works together to uncover secrets from the past.
ANT-MAN AND THE WASP is directed by Peyton Reed and stars Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly, Michael Pena, Walton Goggins, Bobby Cannavale, Judy Greer, Tip “T.I.” Harris, David Dastmalchian, Hannah John Kamen, Abby Ryder-Fortson, Randall Park, with Michelle Pfeiffer, with Laurence Fishburne and Michael Douglas.
Marvel Studios’ ANT-MAN AND THE WASP opens in theaters everywhere on July 6th!
I cannot wait to see it! Thanks for keeping this spoiler-free <3
It’s really amazing and spoilers do no one any good! You have to experience it on your own 🙂