Finding Kim – A Documentary To Help Everyone Understand Transitioning

find kim review

find kim review

It seems that no matter where you look in the media and news there is a story about someone who is trangendered. With those stories comes a lot of misconceptions, a lot of judgement and even a lot of condemnation against people just from misunderstanding. Other than Caitlyn Jenner, there hasn’t been been a lot of positive news about someone who has made the transition and because of that, a lot of misconceptions are still out there.

I’m a not so hidden documentary junkie, and love learning about parts of culture I may never experience. Finding Kim is a documentary that follows a transgendered man as he starts hormone treatments and even surgeries to become the man he’s felt he’s always been inside. The movie gives an honest look at the emotional impact that many transgendered men and women live with every day.

The movie dispels many of the misconceptions and stereotypes that the media tends to perpetuate against trans people, including why they may not elect to have surgeries, how they are not the same as cross dressers and even why some get partial surgeries but not complete changes. It addresses the emotional toll changing may have on their body, but more so their mind and the reasons people choose to make the transition in the first place. That transition has anything to do with sexuality, but instead it is completely about gender identity.

There are a couple graphic scenes including Kim’s surgery, but they are over quickly. But the most powerful message in the whole documentary is the positive emotional change that the transition has on people who elect to have it, how they are able to find their true selves and a way to fight against depression.

Finding Kim is available now, and is definitely a documentary you should watch if you want to understand the transgendered community better.

Finding Kim Trailer:

Finding Kim – Official Trailer from Random Media on Vimeo.

About Finding Kim:

find kim reviewFINDING KIM, an honest, intimate and inspiring documentary that follows three years of a transgender man’s journey as he transitions from female to male, makes its highly-anticipated debut in 15 cities, including New York and Los Angeles, on May 31 and becomes available on Digital platforms on June 6, 2017, from Random Media.  The groundbreaking film showcases the incredible and honest story
of a truly remarkable individual managing the beginnings of gender re-assignment.  Documenting the entire process including top surgery, it navigates the delicate world of friendships and the torment of what to tell one’s family; finally offering the chance to share joy as Kim experiences life the way he always felt he should: as a happy, confident, human being.

Captured by documentary filmmakers Aaron Bear and Gabriel Bienczycki, FINDING KIM is a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance.  Set in the backdrop of progressive Seattle, the film features insights, advice and real-life experience from Dan Savage, Carmen CarreraCalpernia Addams, Buck Angel and more.

In creating FINDING KIM, it was Bear and Bienczycki’s goal for Kim’s voice to resonate with anyone struggling with gender identity or self-acceptance.

The film’s message is one that speaks beyond gender.  It’s about knowing and understanding oneself and who one truly is as an individual.   It unveils Kim’s story in the most organic way possible while staying true to the documentary filmmaking process.

The film covers the most intimate parts of Kim’s life, including his top- surgery, struggles and moments of happiness.  To capture this, Bear and Bienczycki interviewed the individuals closest to Kim, discovering their thoughts on his process and how the transition affects their relationship.   The film also includes others who have gone through the process of gender reassignment.

Ultimately their goal is to allow audiences to walk away with a new outlook on gender.


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