In every house across the world there are smells we just learn to live with. Febreze sent me a selection of their products to see just how nose blind to some of these odors we’ve become! It was a selection of sprays, alternating warm oils and even a candle to help eliminate odors of all types.
In our new home the most prominent smells we are living with are from the new building materials from the kitchen update the last owner did. The off-gassing of the cabinets and tiles can be smelled throughout the house. Over time that will fade, and even the last month we’ve just come to live with the smell. But really, all off-gassing is the removal of toxic chemicals from the products. There’s not much we can do about that – but it’s still something we don’t want to smell! All off the smells were quickly eliminated as soon as I plugged in the Hawaiian Aloha Noticeables Plug in. It alternates between two Hawaiian themed warm oils so you don’t get use to one scent and go nose blind to the new scent.
Febreze asked us to take the with some friends. While in New York we had a great movie night with friends and a pajama party in our hotel room. We had wine and some great popcorn to enjoy while we watched a movie. After a hot and sweaty day at our conference, plus the smell of fresh popcorn our room was full of scents that didn’t always meld well. So we spritz some of the Frebreze Air Effects spray, and you couldn’t even smell the overwhelming scents in our little room! It was great how quickly it eliminated the smells and made our room a nice little oasis for our movie night.
So have you gone nose blind in your home or space? What odors can Febreze’s products help your space with? One of my readers will win a prize pack to take the Nose Blind Challenge in their house! Read how you can win below.
How Can You Win?
Enter to win with the form below. The mandatory entry is leaving a comment on this blog post telling me what smells have you become nose blind to? Or what smells would you like to eliminate? If you do not do this entry – you will not win! So make sure you leave a comment and then enter using the form linked below!
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Pet odors!
i would like to eliminate the dusty musty smells in the carpets
I would like to eliminate pets odors in house. We are noseblind to their smell
I would get rid if that greasy food smell.
I’m probably noseblind to the dog. We need Febreze to get rid of that odor.
I don’t like that wet dog smell especially in winter. Would love to get rid of that
I think I am noseblind sometimes. I want to get rid of dog odor
I have gone a little noseblind and I would like Febreze to get rid of food and pet odors.
Cooking and food odor.
I am nose blind to my dog’s odor and want to get rid of that.
I am noseblind to my dog’s odors, so I could definitely use some Febreze.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I need to get rid of odors after diaper changes 😉
I have become noseblind to cooking and food odors in my home.
Doggie odors!
I want to eliminate dog odors in the house.
I’m pretty sure pet odors are our worst problem.
I would like to eliminate the scent of my dog.
i want to get rid of the pet smell in the house.
I am definitely noseblind. I’d like to eliminate food odors.
All the odors that I am sure we are noseblind to are the dogs and the cats odors.
We have three furbabies so we are noseblind to their smells!
I am noseblind to the pet smells.
I think lingering cooking smells — especially onions.
I am noseblind to the cat box smell mostly because it is in the basement. We use febreze and baking soda on the carpets to help with smells
I would like to eliminate doggy odors and diaper odors.
I would love to get rid of the smell of car litter
The smell on my porch
Pet and baby smells.
I’ve become noseblind to the cat box smells in my house.
I am afraid I might be nose blind—I’d like to get the catfish smell out along with garlic,and doggie–But the garlic isn’t really so bad from canning those great pickles.
I’m noseblind to my dogs smells, which should be eliminated
Thanks for the chance. We love frebreze.
My biggest odor problems are my two big dogs and two smelly little boys.
garbage can odor
I would love to eliminate that stale musty stinky smell after the place has been closed up, or the stinky socks that my hubby takes off.
I’m noseblind to my cat. I would like eliminate the litter box smell.
Yes I’m noseblind to the litter box.
We need Febreze help!
thank you
I’ve gone nose kind to dog smell.
The garbage can smell.
I think I am noseblind to my pets odors left behind on my furniture and on my carpet. I would love to eliminate them.
pet odors
I have gone nose blind to dirty diapers for sure.
I have become nose blind to dirty diapers and I hate the smell of cat urine.
the cat liter box would be the worse smell to get rid of
I need to eliminate pet odors.
dog smells
I would like to eliminate cooking and litter box odors.
I would like to get rid of the smell of mildew in our basement closet.
I have gone nose blind and would like to eliminate the odor from the kitty litter box
I’m nose blind to the stink of our garbage can
pet odors
I probably have. I no longer smell our new puppy but I’m sure our friends do. Thank you!
I have become noseblind to the cat related odors and would like to eliminate laundry and food odors.
i like to get rid of dog smells
I am definitely no noseblind. I would love to eliminate the odor that lingers on after using the deep fryer.
Yes I believe I have gone nose blind. I would like to get rid of that annoying basement smell
I have become nose blind to the smell of my basement
I am nose blind to the smell of dogs
Our upstairs is a converted attic and the hallway has no ventilation, so it’s kind of like an oven. It’s also the only place we have for a second catbox. So as soon as you open the hall door to go up the stairs you smell baked cat box. Doesn’t that sound pleasant? Yeah, I want to eliminate that odor!
I am probably a little noseblind. I am noseblind to dog smell
i need to get rid of the cat smell that can flare up.
I’m noseblind to my own summer sweaty smell
cat litter odors!!
I’m probably nose blind to the cat box oodr
I am noseblind to my cooking.
i’ve gone noseblind to my dog!
I’d like to eliminate lingering cooking odors.
I’ve gone noseblind to the smells in my garbage can.
I’m sure I’m noseblind to dog smells and I would love to get rid of those.
Cat litter odors, we have 2 cats
I would like to eliminate kitchen and pet smells.
like to eliminate the musty odor in my home.We had some loose duct work under the air vent in the living room and, even though it’s been repaired the musty odor still lingers.
I am noseblind to the musty odor in my home.As I explained before,We had some loose duct work under the air vent in the living room and, even though it’s been repaired the musty odor still lingers.
I notice it when I have left my home and returned and when I open the door I can smell it.
I want to eliminate garbage odors.
pet odor
I need to eliminate dog odors.
I want to get rid of old cooking smells like garlic and onions.
I would like to get rid of doggie odors.
I would love to eliminate pet odors!
Would say that yes I have . Would love to get rid of pet odor
I need to get rid of wet dog smell!
I hope to get rid of the dog odor in my house.
My two cat litter boxes.
I want to get rid of pet odors.
Thanks for the nice giveaway
I want to get rid of the pet odor
I am always looking for a way to get rid of garbage and food odors in my home.
I’m a huge febreze fan – I keep it in my house, my car and at the office, too! sometimes the scent of cats sneaks up on me despite my best efforts.
im trying to get rid of the dog pee smell in my house! my dog is getting too old
I hope I haven’t gone noseblind! I’d love to use Febreze to get rid of the smell of my sweaty teenager’s sporting gear
I would get rid of pet odor. i have two cats.
Pet odors and stinky teenage boy odors!
carpet smells and dirty shoe smells
Teen aged boys – I have 4 teen sons – so becoming nose blind is survival.
We have 2 dogs, and you don’t realize how used to the smell until you come home after a few days away.
I think that I have gone noseblind to stinky diapers. I know that it is there because when I walk into my house after not being there for a while, I can smell them. I would like to eliminate the smell of diapers!
I think I’ve gone noseblind to my litter box smells!
I am sure we are noseblind to pet odors.
I have become nose blind to pet odors.
The diaper pail.
We have 2 cats and 2 litter boxes. Although I DO try to keep them as clean as possible on a daily basis, I am afraid that I may now be noseblind to the smells that are probably still there!
I know I’m nose-blind to pet odors. We have a dog and a hedgehog in the house so I’m sure it gets pretty stinky from time to time 🙁
I have pet smells that I would love to eliminate.
I have become nose blind to the cat litter box odors in my home and need to try to improve the air quality.
I have gone noseblind to litter boxes.
we would like to get rid of shoe odors.
stinky feet and dirty diapers.
I would like to eliminate the pet smells in my house, I am noseblind to them but others can smell them.
I know I am nose blind, we have 4 dogs and 3 cats all indoors and for the most part I never notice the smell of animals.
I am unfortunately noseblind to the doggie smells in my house.
I need help with stale food odors!!
I’m sure other people probably notice odors from my cats, but I rarely do.
We’ve got pet odors here that I’d like to eliminate.
I think I am noseblind. I’m sure the animal smells could use some help.
I am noseblind to soiled diapers.
I am sure I have gone nose blind to my cats. I would love to get rid of the unpleasant odors they leave.
With all of the rain that we have had this summer and indoor pets I would love to eliminate the smell of wet dog from my home.
I know I”m nose blind to our wonderful dog.
I believe I am noseblind to my dog’s odor! That, and boy funk- my boys always stink after playing outside but I think I am used to it now where I don’t even notice!
I would love to get rid of pet odors.
probably the cat box
I have 4 dogs….I want to eliminate any smells they put off
When you have a puppy potty training, there are odors that should not be there. Thank you
I need to eliminate the smell in my son’s room
I’m probably noseblind to dog odor.
I am still noseblind to the wet dog smell as well as the fishy cooking odors.
We have two cats so I’m noseblind to them.
I’ve definitely gone nose blind. I’ve gotten comments about the dog smell before…how embarrassing!
My dog is the smell I would love to get rid of
With four animals, I think I’ve gone noseblind to pet odor! 🙁
Definitely all cat related odors ~ but I’m thinking PROBABLY (after all I am noseblind…) other scents might include residual food and cooking smells (some good – other not so good…) if an when anything BURNS (like toast or a spill over in the oven. And finally, so many products cleaning and other have strong even heady “fragrances” which can end up smelling either musty (in the bathroom) or chemical-like in other cases.
i am noseblind to my roommates cat. we normally use febreeze and try and bathe him regularly. he hates it.
Cat boxes are the worst…..and we barely notice them anymore. Hopefully the guests feel the same way…..?? 🙁
I would like to eliminate the damp smell in the basement
The smell of food grease I would love to eliminate, Thank you!
I have become noseblind to my husband’s stinky house shoes. My grandson smelled them as soon as he entered the house.
ive become noseblind to the doggy odor and the cat’s litterbox odor..
I have become noseblind to the pet odors.
a wet smell under my kitchen sink
I am nose blind to my dog and our 2 cats.
I would like to eliminate pet odors!
All the odors that I am sure we are noseblind to are the dogs odors
We have two dogs and two cats.. Sooooo I would have to say pet odors.!!!!
I’m probably noseblind to our dog. 🙂
I would say I’m noseblind to dog odors in our home, which I’d like to get rid of
Dirty diapers, ew!
I have two active doggies. I am sure that they smell and I am nose blind to it!
I’m probably nose blind to our cats & their litter box and the kitchen trashcan.
I want to eliminate pet odors.
I’ve definitely gone noseblind sometimes to the smell of my dogs :/
I would like to eliminate some of the pet odors in my home. I think I am noseblind when it comes to frying onions as it does not bother me anymore.
I want to eliminate the pet odors.
I believe I’ve gone noseblinded to my dog’s smells…I’d like to get rid of that!
The kitchen trash is what I am noseblind to.
the og smell
The smell of the dog
I am noseblind to my cats. I need to get rid of the cats smell AND the trash smell (that one I am not noseblind too and it stinks all the time)
I think I have gone totally noseblind when it comes to cat smells.
I think I have gone noseblind to my home odors. I think my home suffers from pet odors as we are a multi pet home.
Noseblind to food smells especially onions and garlic.
I would love to rid our home of pet smells. We’re noseblind to them, but our daughter can smell them.
The smell of oil from the deep fryer can linger forever in my house.
i think i have become noseblind to cooking smells!
I’d like to eleminate the scent of dog and cigarette smoke.
I have become noseblind…to the smell of our kitchen. I’d love to get rid of the greasy cooking smells.
I am noseblind to my 2 cats. I would like to get rid of the odors associated with them.
We have gone nose blind to the dogs and cigarette smoke.
I have gone noseblind to the cat’s litter box. I would love to get rid of that smell.
Yes Noseblind to doggie odor and cooking smells
I DEF would use febreeze on Pet Odor and teenage BOY odor and our musky basement!
I am nose blind to pet odors and would love to rid them for good.
I’ve gone noseblind to the pet odors in my home.
Socks and shoes!
I think I’ve become nose blind to baby spit up – I’d love to get rid of it.
I am noseblind to my dog Bailey and my cat Jasmine and my
bird Doodle odor.
It would have to be my kitchen.
I want to eliminate the smell of my son’s feet.
I have 2 dogs and 2 cats and by far the worse smell comes from the cats. Kitty litter. Yuck. No matter how often you clean the stank still lingers.
I am noseblind to my dog!
The fishy cooking odors and wet dog smell needs to go away.
I am sure I’ve become noseblind to the smell of the cat’s litterbox.
I’d like to get rid of lingering cooking odors.
I’d like to get rid of the ” just changed a diaper ” odor!
I don’t think that I have gone noseblind. I’d like to get rid of the odor coming from my garbage disposal.
I have gone noseblind and I would like to eliminate cat odors in my home
The usual, that darn cat. She’s an indoor cat, but always a problem.
I am definitely nose blind and want to eliminate the cat odors in my home.
I have gone noseblind to my cats’ smells.
I am noseblind to our dogs in the house.
Of course cat and garbage odors – but sometimes cooking smells too (one woman’s mouthwatering Rack of Lamb’s aroma may be someone else’s “what’s that gamey smell?”) And heaven knows, garlic and onions are not a turn on for all ….
Oh, and on those very very very rare occasions when I might accidently BURN something ~ that burning smell is just awful and has a nasty tendency to linger. Oh and stale basement smells too – whether they’re in the basement or someplace else!
Pet odors and baby diaper odors. yuck!
Thanks for the giveaway…on more than one occasion we have had to deal with lingering cooking odors from “the day before” !
I want to eliminate pet smells.
I want to eliminate my doggy smell! He is adorable but can stink up a room!