Disney’s Super Buddies Blu-Ray Combo Pack Review and Giveaway!

Super Buddies Giveaway
Super Buddies

Your favorite Buddies are back – and off on a super new adventure! As soon as Goonie saw that we had a new Buddies movie we had to put it in! He loves the adventures that the Buddies go on.

In Super Buddies the puppies are on their next great adventure but this time with a little extra help. Each Buddy has a ring that gives them a certain super power that together helps them save the day!

The movie is full of kid friendly fun adventures that your little ones will love. Have you ever wanted to be Super? What type of power would you have if you could a super power? Win a copy of Super Buddies below by telling me how you would be Super!

How Can You Win?

Enter to win with the form below. The mandatory entry is leaving a comment on this blog post telling me what super power you would love to have if you could! If you do not do this entry – you will not win! So make sure you leave a comment and then enter using the form linked below!

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Super Buddies


  1. I’d love the ability to bring back people who have died. Like my parents, my grandparents and my cousin. I am 29 and need them here for certain things so I wish I could be selfish and bring them back.

  2. I would love to have some form of telepathy! Being able to read minds and communicate silently would be very useful at times! Thanks!

  3. I want to clone myself/ duplicate me! Then I will have help doing all my daily chores! haha THANKS for the chance to win, my girls LOVE these movies


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