Your favorite Buddies are back – and off on a super new adventure! As soon as Goonie saw that we had a new Buddies movie we had to put it in! He loves the adventures that the Buddies go on.
In Super Buddies the puppies are on their next great adventure but this time with a little extra help. Each Buddy has a ring that gives them a certain super power that together helps them save the day!
The movie is full of kid friendly fun adventures that your little ones will love. Have you ever wanted to be Super? What type of power would you have if you could a super power? Win a copy of Super Buddies below by telling me how you would be Super!
How Can You Win?
Enter to win with the form below. The mandatory entry is leaving a comment on this blog post telling me what super power you would love to have if you could! If you do not do this entry – you will not win! So make sure you leave a comment and then enter using the form linked below!
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I would like to read minds but there possibilities of selecting a power would be endless.
I would like to have super human strength! 🙂
I would love to have a healing super power, for me and others!
I would like to be able to see into the future, that would be awesome.
I would like to be able to read minds
I would like to become invisible when I wanted to be.
Would love to be invisible so I can watch everyone!
So hard to choose just one lol. I would choose to be able to see into the future
If had a super power it would be invisibility so I could become invisible when my kids drove me crazy
I would to be able to slow down time so I could enjoy those special moments in life a little while longer.
Super Healing Power would be nice!
I would like the power of invisibility so that I could have five minutes to myself 🙂
I wish I could fly.
I would like to have super strength, thanks!
I wish I could freeze time or duplicate myself.
I would love to be able to fly
kport207 at gmail dot com
I would really like to fly not just around here getting things done–it might be easier
I would like to be amind reader or be invisible.
I would love to have the power to HEAL!
Telepathy. But really there are too many to choose from! Every time I think about it there is a different one I would choose.
I would like to be able to travel through time.
Flying would be my 1st choice!
I’d love the ability to bring back people who have died. Like my parents, my grandparents and my cousin. I am 29 and need them here for certain things so I wish I could be selfish and bring them back.
I would love to be able to read minds!
I’d like the ability to read minds.
I’d like the ability to fly so I can go see my family in CA whenever I want.
I would like to be invisible at times. or flying.
I would like to be able to transport my body to different places.
I want to read minds!
I would love to have some form of telepathy! Being able to read minds and communicate silently would be very useful at times! Thanks!
I think it would be great to be able to fly. Just fly over the parking lots right up to the doors.
I would love to have the power to be invisible. Then I could get a break every once in
I would like to be able to fly – would make the morning commute easier
i would say to fly!! thank you!
I’d like to be able to change what people think.
I want to be invisible. It would be great to gather evidence without the villains knowing.
I would like to have the power to heal!
I would like the power to become invisible
I would like to be able to fly!
I would love to fly
My super power would be flying.
I’d love to have the super power of being able to fly : )
I would like to multiple myself
Invisibility! Definitely!
I would like to become invisible and be able to sneak in where I wanted to be
super speed
I’d love to be invisible at times:)
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
healing, any illness or injury
I would like to be invisable
The super power I would like to have is to read minds.
I would like to be able to read minds.
I think being invisible would be fun
Would love to be able to fly!
I would like to have super sonic sight.
I would like to have the superpower of flying.
I love to transport myself from on place to another
I would like to have the super power of extreme energy so that I could keep up with my and 4 year old.
Power to heal.
I’d like to be able to fly.
I wish I had the power to teleport.
I’d like to read minds.
I would like to be able to fly!
I would like to be able to know the future.
I’d love to be able to fly!
I would love the super power of flying! That would be awesome!
I want to clone myself/ duplicate me! Then I will have help doing all my daily chores! haha THANKS for the chance to win, my girls LOVE these movies
I would like to be able to fly!
id love to be able to fly 🙂
I’d like to be able to fly
to disappear from one place and appear at another.
I would like the power to heal both physical and emotionally.I hate for people or animals to be in any kind of pain.
Of all of them, I would love to fly. Game, set, match.
Heal from any injury
I would like the ability to go back and forth in time
I would like to have the ability to fly.
I would love to be able to fly.
I would like the ability to fly
I wish I had the super power to make my kids listen!! That and flying.
Teleportation. I hate travelling. I just want to be where I want to be
i would like to have the ability to see the future
I would love the power to heal myself and others.
Telekenesis. #lazy