Delivery Man – Delivers More than You Expect

delivery man review

Disneys Delivery ManOpening in theater’s everywhere today is Disney’s Delivery Man. Starring Vince Vaugh, Cobie Smulders and Christ Pratt, the movie follows David Wozniak (Vaugh) when he finds out he has fathered 533 children. Initially we were concerned this would turn into a typical Vince Vaughn movie – with his goofy antics, rants and playing the character we all know and love. Not even five minutes into the movie you could tell this movie was going to be different.

David Wozniak donated sperm as a young man to earn some extra cash. Twenty years later he finds out that the sperm bank has misused his donations and used his sperm exclusively. This leads to him being the father of not one or two kids, but 533! Barely able to keep his own in life in order, Wozniak is now tossed into the middle of a law suit when 142 of his children are suing to know who their father is.

The movie has several parts that make you laugh, but not Vaugh’s usual antics. Instead they are true moments of comedy, awkwardness and comedy that anyone can relate to in their family. There were parts that even brought tears from my eyes. Some transitions from comedy to endearing are quick and the emotional tonal change is not what you would expect. The movie overall was fantastic and one we will be adding to our collection.

While Delivery Man is a heartwarming film, and one that a family can enjoy, there are moments and topics that might be too old for some younger audiences. After all, we all know how donations are made at sperm banks. Nothing graphic is in the movie, but it is mentioned and discussed more than once.


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