Create New Family Traditions with a Family Game Night and Christmas Fun Facts #CatholicCentral #ChristmasTraditions

Best Games for Family Game Night

Best Games for Family Game Night
As busy as the holiday season is, one of the most important parts is spending time with the ones you love. It’s not the presents under the tree that the kids will remember for years to come, but instead the things you did together. Even if it’s a loud meal filled with Aunt Betty’s burnt casserole, it’s the stories they will love for years to come.

Growing up we always had (and still do), multiple Christmas parties to go to. One of my favorites was at my grandparents with all of my cousins. It was the same food every year, from a re-heated ham to these weird pickles that Grandma some how found every year – and we have never seen since. And while we waited for the food to be done, all of us cousins would sit around the dining room table and pull out games. Occassionally it was the old Milk Man game that my dad had as a kid (someone thought this was a great game concept in the 50’s), but more often than not we brought out UNO. I learned a lot from my older cousins playing this game, and being the youngest rarely had a chance to win – but had fun as we played each time.

Now our holidays are a bit different and we meet at my parents for the holiday. Instead of playing UNO with my nephew, we tend to play other games. So this year when we got this game package from Catholic Central we were so happy to see not only UNO in the mix but some games that my nephew will love playing with us this holiday season.

This year, crank up those Christmas tunes, decorate that tree and start making new traditions with your family. We’ve partnered with Catholic Central to give away a fun family game pack that can help kick start your new family traditions. We also have a fun downloadable pdf full of fun facts about Christmas and activities you can do with your kids to get your in the holiday spirit.
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You have questions about the Catholic faith and what it means to be Catholic. We have answers. Using a team of witty writers, appealing hosts, and even some learned theologians, we’ve created shareable, snackable videos that teach the timeless truths and deep history of the Church with humor and heart. Produced in the Family Theater Productions studios on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, CATHOLIC CENTRAL entertains, enlightens and inspires.

Catholic Central is giving one of our readers a family game night prize package. You could win an assortment of four different classic games which will be chosen by random. The list includes Monopoly, Sorry, Connect 4, UNO, Pictionary, Twister, Operation, Apples to Apples, Life, Simon, Battleship, and more!

How Can You Win?

Enter to win with the form below. Tell us your favorite holiday tradition or memory! If you do not do this entry – you will not win! So make sure you leave a comment and then enter using the form below!

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  1. family and friends bringing dishes of great food to share; neighborhood pot luck; midnight mass and morning breakfast following – again, with many of the neighbors.

  2. One of my favorite memories was sitting in front of the tree on Christmas morning and trying to guess what was in the packages while we waited for my grandma to walk across the street to watch us open gifts.

  3. My favorite holiday memory was waking up as a child and finding our stockings stuffed full of goodies and trinkets. Now as a parent my favorite tradition is watching my children do the same.

  4. Baking cookies with my grandmother is one of my favorite traditions. She has passed away but we still do this every year making all of her favorite recipes!


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