Chicago Toy & Game Fair – this year’s hottest toys!

Chicago Toy and Game Fair
Earlier this month I had the opportunity to go and explore the Chicago Toy & Game Fair. If you are not familiar with ChiTAG, it is a collection of the latest and greatest toys from some of your favorite companies.
This year was sponsored by Bananagrams, a game you will hear more about very soon ;). And they even invited bloggers to come and experience the show before they opened the doors to the public.


At the blogger breakfast we were able to meet and chat with other bloggers. Our “ChiTag Kids” were able to play the newest table top games from Bananagrams like Appletters, Pairs in Pears, and Zip-It. Now, I brought big “Kids” with me as well, because we all love games and toys. And lucky for me, they only had “Kids” stickers so it fit really well with the crew I brought. With our breakfast we had full games going all around us – that doesn’t happen often!


Once in the show we were able to see some of the new games and toys that are being introduced. These newbies on the market were next to the hot toys for the holidays. One of my favorites, and ones I’ll have to add to my game collection was “Buster Balloon”. It reminds me of Don’t Break the Ice but in a 3D format – how fun is that?

This year’s show featured new toys and games from Plasmart, Hasbro, Mayfair Games, Trump Tops and more. It was great seeing some of my old favorite games still being made, and next to new games that just came out. If you were looking for toys and games for fun or education you could find it all!


ChiTAG also features a young inventor area. Last year’s winner was there with his invention BrickStix. They are removable stickers you can add to your Legos and customize your blocks.

This year they had their young inventor area where local kids had great new toy and game ideas. I can’t wait to see the winner at next year’s show!

We had a fantastic time at ChiTAG and can’t wait to go back next year. I took too many pictures to post them all, but you can enjoy a few more below!

Find the Chicago Toy and Game Fair Online:





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