Getting a new house is exciting anyhow, but for me it was even more so. Not only did I get a kitchen that has at least three times the counter space, but I also go a dishwasher! This is something I had been missing for almost ten years, and after years of washing every fork and spoon by hand I was happy to have that convenience again.
The day of our housewarming party was a beautiful day – a bit hot but it was a great day to show our new house, yard and massive patio with our family. We used one of our grills to fire up some burgers and hot dogs, we had a few a salads and of course brownies! I didn’t make the boxes that came in our package, since they weren’t gluten free. But instead made my own brownie recipe to share with everyone.
It wasn’t just with the brownie baking, but from all of the cooking before hand – our dishwasher was full before our guests arrived. I should point out, that the dishwasher is new, under 2 months old. You would expect it to work perfect every time – even using regular dishwasher tabs. It is a major upgrade from doing everything by hand, but it still required a bit of pre-washing. And due to a small plumbing issue caused by the previous owner, there are some issues with a small leak whenever you run the dishwasher. It’s more of a pain than anything else – but it’s on our soon to be fixed list.
I’m not going to say that the Cascade Platinum fixed our plumbing issue, but what I will say is that since I switched to using it – we’ve had less of a leak. This is actually something a friend had told me about before – Cascade Platinum had helped her dishwasher work better with the hard water she has out in the country. I was amazed at how quick we started seeing a marked difference in the leak and even more so, how clean all of our dishes came out.
Occasionally we do have some dishes that need re-washed, but compared to using just general store tabs – we have a lot less of that happening now. I still rinse a few of the dishes out of habit, but the majority of the time – they are just tossed in the dishwasher and it is put to work. The dishes come out clean, ready to be put away and there is a lot less effort cleaning the dishes and taking time out of my day.
Our guests left with their own bag of Cascade Platinum and a bottle of rinse agent. And since I can’t enjoy the boxed brownies, we sent them with a couple guests too so they could try out the test in their machines at home. It was a great surprise for our guests that they were getting goodies to take home!
Cascade is giving one of my readers a great gift pack so you can not only try out their great products, but whip up something great in the kitchen! Check out everything you can win in the picture to the left! Read how you can win below and enter for your chance. Come back daily for more chances to win!
What do you think of Cascade? Have an opinion to share? Head to the Cascade website to leave a short review of Cascade Platinum including #CascadeShiningReviews. One reviewer will win a Kitchen Aid Dishwasher!
How Can You Win?
Enter to win with the form below. The mandatory entry is leaving a comment on this blog post! You can comment daily so tell me your hardest part of doing dishes for you is, or your best tip for doing dishes and making that chore easier! If you do not do this entry – you will not win! So make sure you leave a comment and then enter using the form below!
This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Cascade. I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.
I just hate doing dishes in general. I amke the chore easier by having my teen daughters do them instead 😉
The woorst two things to wash is the Turkey Roaster, and when I make the spaghetti casserole– YUK!! every thing is so gross- sticken on mess
Multitasking while cooking. I’m always cleaning and cooking at the same time.
My hardest task when doing dishes is having to “pre clean” everything. Our rental has an ancient dishwasher you have to scrape EVERYTHING off of plates & cookware before putting it in. Otherwise, it will still be there at the end of the wash cycle.
The old dishwasher.
I dont like doing dishes I have no dishwasher have never had one so I am the one left doing them.. I soak them for a while and then scrub:)
the hardest task is sorting the dishes.
getting the heavy stuff off before I can even start the dishwasher or else it won’t clean well
My hardest task is getting dried lasagna or chili of dishes. My tip would be to let it sit in soapy water for a bit then wipe it off!
The worst thing I find difficult is getting dried cheese off of the dishes.
Actually doing the dishes like pots and pans by hand.
I soak my dishes and stack them how they go in my drainer–sausage is so greasy that I really need it clean just as soon as were done eating.
The hardest task for me is washing off stuck on egg. My tip is to wash dishes asap to avoid caked on food.
I hate doing dishes in general! I just do not like the amount of time it takes! To make it easier I try to keep my dishes up and unload my dishwasher daily.
My hardest job doing dishes is baked on casseroles. My tip is to soak dishes that are really bad before trying to clean them.
My hardest task is getting cookie sheets clean enough that I can put them in the dishwasher.
my boys love scrambled eggs, but they are so hard to get off the dishes
Trying to wash out eggs or cheese from pans is my hardest task. I have to let it soak for a while so it is easier to scrub out.
Washing pan that are large and heavy I one have two but they are difficult to handle
I am always making these marvelous baked pasta things which everyone loves, then the pan (particularly bad if dried out) – it’s horrible.
My tip is that I always have a large yogurt container or other plastic container in the sink. All silverware goes in there with the business side down in the water so they don’t dry out and get impossible to clean.
{in the contest I am Margot Core on the automated entry form connected to this – other, different email box: annazed10 [at] yahoo [dot] com}
The hardest task is getting everyone to stack the dishwasher properly!
Cleaning cheese off the plates and i have found before i place them in the washer i let them soak and use a herd spatula to scrape off the hard bits.
Grease is a huge problem while doing dishes.
The hardest task is loading the dishwasher. The only thing I can say is use the dishwasher.
Dried oatmeal or egg is the worst. I try to strat the dishwasher every night.
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Right dried on eggs is awful–cold water soaking is the only way I know to help with it
I hate the way the dishes are wet when the dishwasher finishes, even though they have been through the “dry cycle”. My tip for dishwashing is to always prewash, the dishwashers job is to sanitize dishes. I hate when people stick them in there with clumps of food stuck on. the dishwasher is not a garbage disposal!
I hate greasy pans.
My hardest task is getting baked on cheese to come off.
The hardest task is washing the pots and pans. Definitely soak pots and pans!
I try to do the dishes immediately or at least rinse/soak them so it’s easier.
Hardest thing about doing dishes is just getting up and doing them. The best advice is to keep them up daily!
One of the bad one is baked on Charezo greasy–yuk==I have to rinse it in very hot soapy water before washing it.
I think the hardest task would have to be getting pots and pans clean that had either semi dried oil in, or something in it that started scorching. In that case, I find it best to soak for a bit and then use a scrubby pad or brillo pad! This Cascade Platinum seems soo awesome!
My biggest dish challenge is burnt food on pans. I have to soak them overnight and use brillo to get the food off.
I find it irritating trying to get milk out of the inside of tall glasses. I think dishes are easier if they are soaked first; especially if there’s baked on cheese.
Don’t let them sit, take care of the dishes right away – you will be glad you did !
I hate cleaning burned-on cheese from pans – like from making lasagna. My best tip is to soak really tough pans overnight.
The hardest task to do is to scrub off food stains that has dried up. I soak the pans in hot water for a while then wash them. It works!
soaking and doing dishes as i go sure makes a big difference
What I hate most is my large pots won’t easily fit the dish washer, and I still have to hand wash anything.
baked on noodles!!!
The hardest task is getting the dishes to come out clean, I suggest quick rinsing before hand
My hardest task while doing dishes is hand washing things that can not go in the dishwasher! I put it off until I absolutely have to do it! :-/ However, I completely agree about the Cascade! It does the best.
I have problems with scraping the yuck off the dishes before putting them in the dish washer.
I have a hard time cleaning the lasagna pan.
My worst tasks are stuck on foods and greasy items.
Tomato, oils and casserole dishes.
The hardest thing is to clean pans with leftovers..especially if it has been a few days.
Spaghetti sauce on anything is nasty– and greasy, very hot soapy water
Getting bakes cheese of my pan. My tip lay foil at bottom of baked dishes. Makes clean up a breeze
I have a major problem with grease. I have to soak them longer or put more dish detergent to get them to not be so greasy.
Burnt on food is a real challenge for me.
Cleaning the broiler pan is the worst thing ever.
Stuck on dried Chili– yuk!! the only thing I can do is soak it in hot soapy waters
The roasting pan with dried drippings.
My hardest task while doing the dishes is dried on scrambled eggs.
Don’t let the dishes stack up, normally only takes a few minutes to get them done and the kitchen looks so much better when it is clean.
Letting dishes pile up makes for more work.
I have problems getting baked on crumbs off the dishes like the brownie pan or cup cakes.
One thing I hate is scrambled eggs with cheese! Ugh!
the biggest messes for me are pasta dishes. I add a little vinegar to the rinse cycles
my chili pot is nasty , dried on foods, and greasy– I soak it in hot soapy water.
Scrubbing the food off the dishes that my father in-law likes leaving it on there… He is my worst mess, second is my son and third is hubby
Pans I hate doing pans
I hate doing my husband’s chili pot or anything with baked on cheese. I soak them in hot sudsy water before washing them.
I hate doing dishes that were used for baking but pre-soaking to get the worst off helps.
I had cleaning stuck on food. Makes me sick to my stomach!
One of the hardest things is burnt on anything! Esp grease.
I let them soak!
I think pots and pans are the worse. I have a small sink and they are always a chore because of that. A good tip—-have someone help you!
Let ’em soak, let’em soak, let ’em soak!
Make doing the dishes a family task. It will only take a few minutes and it’s a time we spend chatting some more.
My steak broiler–yuk! Its greasy and has burnt on food — The only thing I do is soak it HOT soapy water before washing
My hardest task when doing dishes is having to pre soak everything.
It’s really tough to get help with the dishes!
Grease on plastics is the toughest.
Hardest task is just keeping them up. My advice is to always keep on top of dishes and do them daily!
I line my baking dishes with foil so I do not have to struggle with the hard baked on junk! The hardest thing is when I forget to use the foil and make off lasagna or homemade Mac and cheese.
It is all hard to me lol i hate doing dishes. Baked on food is the worst so i always line my pan with parchment paper first, clean up is a breeze.
Thanks for the giveaway…we inherited some older cookware/bakeware and it is difficult to get the inside corners clean without resorting to an old toothbrush…takes time.
Our tip is to use the hottest water possible @ dishwasher !
I find that my casserole dishes are the hardest to clean. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
My husband does most of the cooking. I do the dishes (sometimes better than other times). That is pretty much the agreement we have had for 35 years. The hardest part of doing dishes is figuring out where to put the cleaned items. So, I ask my husband where he would like things put. And he doesn’t care, as long as he can find them when he needs them–which he can’t, because I seem to keep moving things because there are more items than space.
I hate pots and pans! Especially lasagna pans! Thanks for the opportunity to win.
My hardest task is trying to get the kids to do dishes.
Just getting started is the hardest
My hardest thing is getting my 2 year old out of my way lol. He wants to be climbing on the dishwasher and crawling under my feet 🙂
My hardest is baked on cheese, and I’ll try to let it soak in hot, soapy water first.
Dried on pasta is awful, esp to get off the colander.
I think the hardest task while doing dishes is getting baked food off of corners.
Washing pans is the hardest thing when doing dishes. If it is really stuck on I will soak over-night in soapy water. This usually does the trick.
Well tonight I made caramel rolls– and guess what it burn and stuck on sugar in the pan–yuk– Its soaking hot soapy water at the moment for later
The hardest task is cleaning the pots and pans. I recommend letting them soak with soap and hot water to loosen the grime
Pre washing for me. Such a pain and so time consuming
Baked on lasagna is my worst.
my hardest task is getting my pans clean after cooking anything with a marinade. my tip is to not let your husband do the dishes or you will just have to re wash them :p or maybe thats just my husband
I just hate doing dishes. They’re never done.
My hardest task is cleaning off left over foods stuck on my dishes.
Pots and pans are a huge pain.
The hardest part is getting dried food off the dishes! My tip is to either do dishes right after dinner or at least soak them in water and soap!
The boys in my house hide dishes then I am off searching for them.
My most difficult task is getting baked on food such as lasagna or cobbler off of my pans. I normally will let them soak in hot soapy water until they are easier to clean.
We moved to a different house and now we have a dishwasher. We have not used it yet. We have been having to use old fashioned hand washing.
I hate washing anythibg greasy like ground beef, bacon, and sausage. I wasH as soon as the pan cools.
I make this impossible cheeseburger pie casserole thing, my husband loves & I hate because it is so stuck to the pan. It has to be soaked then scraped & then washed…hate it.
My tip is to wash dishes right after you use them.
I hate washing casserole dishes.
The hard task is getting to the sink and doing them. I dislike washing dishes…
i have a hard time with the food that gets stuck on pans when i pan fry the veggies.
Well I know from this morning that dried grits are a huge pain in the butt!
My hardest things to clean in the kitchen is when my kids don’t rinse off their dishes.
My tip is to wash as you cook and do them after meals. I never follow my own tips. The hardest thing to do is babysit six grandkids while doing dishes.
I hate washing my work container since it has Italian salad dressing in it and the oil never seems to fade. However, its much easier to clean and get out as much oil as possible if I soak it for a few hours before washing it.
washing big pans tip soak them first!
The hardest task about doing the dishes…..well that would be scrubbing spaghetti sauce off of pans if they were left to dry accidentally overnight. Don’t know why, but it seems to be the worse when it comes to caking onto pans.
I think getting of eggs and melted on cheese are the hardest to get off, I try to soak dishes asap to make getting dishes clean easier
anything with pasta makes the biggest messes for me
The hardest part is scraping off food . Tip- always rinse after each use
Pasta makes the biggest mess!!
my hardest thing is getting caked on food off. my tip is to rinse your dish as soon as you are done with it and put it in the dishwasher.
Mac and cheese is my hardest deli-ma.
I hate cleaning any pan that has been baked in always a challenge especially casserole dishes
Lasagna pans are terrible to clean
The hardest task to do is to scrub off food that has dried on.
any food such as spagehetti sauce that gets burnt on is awful to get off and soaking it in hot soapy water
scrubbing stubborn areas
Keeping my son occupied while I try and do dishes has become almost impossible.
Cleaning my croc pot. Ugh worst ever
The hardest thing to clean for me is pots and pans. I have my kids help me though.
I presoaked tough dishes/pans
Dried on egg yolks is the worst.
My hardest task is when I make my Taco Casserole in my casserole dish. No matter how much I spray it with no stick spray it always sticks to the dish. My best tip is to put a little bit of baking soda in the dish or pan after you use it and let it soak.
I usually try to wash dishes while the kids are at school. This way I don’t have to worry about them getting into trouble while I am occupied.
Dishes – my least favorite household chore! If necessary, I’ll soak something all night to avoid scrubbing. 🙂
The least favorite part of the dishes is cleaning the lunch tupperware. My tip is to clean dishes while making the meals so it doesn’t end up a huge chore after every meal.
The hardest part of cleaning dishes to me is when the pots and pans get sticky with bits of food stuck on them. My tip is to put a little water and dish detergent in them and boil it for a few mins on the stove. Lifts the stickiness right away with no extra scrubbing from me.
I can’t stand hand washing dishes, especially if there’s caked on cheese on them. My tip is to soak dishes that have hard to remove food on it.
I try to wash as I am cooking to avoid having to wash all the dishes at one time
I hate cleaning the pots and pans! Especially my big skillet, because it doesn’t fit in the dishwasher. But, I have found that if you sprinkle baking soda in it and then pour some vinegar on top, it helps bubble off the gunk.
Removing caked on food takes a lot of time!