Day 12 of the Blogger Challenge asks us to “Describe a Typical Day in your Life”. This should be fun – or something like that…
- 5:00 am – the alarm goes off – reach over and make sure to wake up the boyfriend. It’s his alarm he can deal with it.
- 6:00 am – repeat 5:00 am
- 7:00 am – alarm’s going off again – remove Godiva from my head, make sure my boyfriend is up or at least out the door. Get up for the day or attempt to sleep again, depending on how many times I get a cat tail in the face…
- Turn on the news and make a cup of coffee with the Keurig … when did I get this old? eh?
- Log onto the computer and clear out 50 emails from the blog.. star the ones I need to get back to, reply immediately to the ones I need to.
- Check business emails, reply to clients. Call 2 clients and remember one is in Wisconsin so an hour behind.. Ignore a couple other phone calls..
- Play the daily IWG (yes I do this too!) – Post new ones on the blog, so you can win too.
- Field two phone calls from clients – make sure we’re up to date on the sites and projects
- Post a few more things on the blog, edit some graphic projects
- 12:00 Oh it’s noon? I should eat lunch.. hmmmmmm
- Go collect mail and packages from the UPS store, and hit the store if needed
- Get back to work.. or blog.. not sure.. Sometimes toss in cleaning in here. Or grab some meat to thaw for dinner 🙂
- 3:30 – get in the kitchen and start making dinner. Or pretend to start making dinner, sometimes I get distracted by cleaning or freebies so I don’t actually cook until 4 or 430.
- 5:00 – Greet my boyfriend at the door with a kiss, serve dinner (like a good 1950s housewife). Put leftovers away and dishes in the sink.
- 6:00 -12-1 am – search for new freebies, good deals, play instant win games, write product reviews.. Field late night calls/emails from clients. Making sure everything is working fine.
Rinse repeat.
All of this is done with 1 or both cats attached to my hip 90% off the time. Each day is a variation of this, but a bit different.
Some days pepper in some more baking, more cleaning, more work. Each day is different and that’s why I like it. I swore I’d never be a stay at home mom – but I work from the home now, it makes life interesting. I like making my own schedule :).
Read past challenge Posts:
Day 11: Top 10 Pet Peeves
Day 10: Most Embarrassing Moment?
Day 9: Stranger Things are bound to happen…
Day 8: 5 Passions
Day 7: My Dream Job
Day 6: Favorite Cartoon
Day 5: 5 Things that make me Happy!
Day 4: 10 Things to a 16 Year Old Me
Day 3: What do I like about being a blogger?
Day 2: 3 Fears
Day 1: 10 Random Facts about Week99er
You are a busy woman.