It has been twenty-two years since the first Matrix movie hits theaters and changed how we think of action movies. From the bullet time shots to the blend of technology and action film. With the newest movie hitting theaters and HBO Max today – fans of the franchise have been excited for the return of several of their favorite characters. But just how can they explain some of the characters coming back since many were killed off completely in The Matrix Revolutions in 2003 – don’t worry, we won’t spoil that for you.
The Matrix Resurrections brings back Neo, Trinity, Morpheus, and even Agent Smith for the fourth installment in the movie series (if we take out the Animatrix). The major characters are mostly portrayed by the original actors with others being covered by different actors and some familiar faces. Yes, expect to see Keanu Reeves and Carrie Ann Moss kicking butt again – and a lot of battle scenes.
We’re not going into the premise of the film here – a lot of other sites are going to do that. Instead, we’re going to talk about things that a casual viewer can expect. Trust me, if you’re like me you’ve seen the original three movies, The Animatrix, and other things about the series but don’t have it committed to memory. Unlike die-hard fans of the series, watching the movie is going to be a completely different experience.
The original Matrix trilogy had everything cast in a green while you were in the Matrix, but the real world was bright and vibrant colors. Now, as we start The Matrix Resurrections, everything is bright – real-world colors until you notice it isn’t. Instead, it’s got a punch of blue everywhere. Something that was pointed out to me as a color that never occurs inside the Matrix. Is this the real world or a software update to force the feeling of reality? If you’re not someone who has watched the original trilogy over and over again, this might be something that is lost on you. But start to pay attention to the color play throughout the whole film. Even the whites of their eyes have a bit of a blue hint to them – although, in the real world that may be caused by illness?
Agent Smith is back too – with his “piercing blue eyes” notice that blue again? The role is not played by Hugo Weaving but instead is Smith played by Jonathan Groff. This charismatic character isn’t what we expect and is a much different version of the bad guy we knew in the original movies.
Not much is what it seems in this reboot movie – check the reflections for characters. Even their own perception of who they are is in question.
Thomas is questioning his version of reality and seeking therapy because of it. The Analyst or his therapist is played by none other than Neil Patrick Harris, who not only embraces that blue including a punched-up filter on his eyes. We’ve seen Harris in a variety of roles from How I Met Your Mother, the Harold and Kumar series but he’s never done anything quite like this. From a causal therapist that seems endearing to someone you really want to punch – we’re excited to see this different character and how he could possibly be used later (if there are more movies down the pipeline).
You don’t have to be the biggest fan to enjoy The Matrix Resurrection. And really, it may mean you’re experiencing it differently than the major fans. But that’s fine. Sit back, enjoy a two and half hour movie with action scenes, some artistic nods to the original, and a twist on the original series that sets it up for more movies.
Be sure to sit through all of the credits for an after-credit scene that is sort of a throwaway. It doesn’t add anything to the story but instead will just make you laugh or maybe roll your eyes. The movie does have a few meta moments that make sure the viewers know it’s a meme of itself and even trolls Warner Brothers a bit as well. It seems like they had fun making this movie and fans – either devoted or casual will enjoy watching it.
The Matrix Resurrections is in theaters and on HBO Max today.
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About The Matrix Resurrections:
(In theaters and HBO Max) From visionary filmmaker Lana Wachowski comes “The Matrix Resurrections,” the long-awaited fourth film in the groundbreaking franchise that redefined a genre. The new film reunites original stars Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss in the iconic roles they made famous, Neo and Trinity.