A Quiet Day

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Today has been pretty quiet all around. I only received a couple small freebies in the mail boxes, which I will either post later or Friday. I haven’t done any deal shopping, or looked at any of the upcoming deals. And although there have been a couple good giveaways on facebook – they went so quickly most people blink and missed them.
I had a meeting at lunch today, to tie up a couple loose ends for the last art show we produced. We went to one of our favorite spots for lunch and both went back home to work. Well- try to work. I’m now waiting on information from two clients and seem to be at a stand still.

While yesterday was a beautiful sun-shiney day, today is quite the opposite. Rain pouring down, flooding, car accidents abound. It let up after lunch so I figured I’d finally get those new headlights in.. I’m not afraid to get under the hood and change things myself. I have the tools in my car, I have the time – but I should have probably remember to take my rings off.

I almost got the passenger side light out to change when the thunder started to roll back in. I doubt you’ll ever see a grill put back on a car faster than I did. I don’t mind getting dirty to save a few bucks but I do mind getting zapped!

So that’s that – no work done, headlights still not changed out, nothing deal wise to report. And as quiet as today will seem tomorrow I start my once a week consult job. I’ll be on the road at 6 am to be in Mid-Michigan by 8 – work a full day and be back in the evening sometime… I may just fall asleep.

But fear not! While I’m gone, my dear friend Jamie will be helping out when she can. She’s a new mom, with the poor little Coupon Baby who just got her shots, so she’ll try to pitch in when she get a free second.

I’ll be back tomorrow night to report! Happy shopping!


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