A Man Cave Worthy of a Viewing Party #mancave @BestBuy #ad

Best Buy man cave Ideas

Best Buy man cave IdeasWhen we moved into our new house last summer, one of my big goals has been to set up a Man Cave in the basement for my boyfriend. Let’s face it – we all need a place to call our own in the house, and a Man Cave is the perfect place for guys to unwind and to hang out with their friends. I immediately claimed the kitchen and the office in our new house, and without a place of his own (yet), my boyfriend often takes over the living room.

Right now, Best Buy has great tech ideas to help you set up your own Man Cave and asked me to share them with my readers. And depending on the type of guy you live with, you can find great tips on how to set up:

  1. Build a PC Gaming Station
  2. Set up a Sports Alert Light Show
  3. Sit Closer to the Action with 4K Ultra HD
  4. Customize a Kegerator with 3D printing tap
  5. Add a smart putting green
  6. Create a robot fight club

While all of the options are pretty cool (and you can check all of Best Buy’s Man Cave Ideas here), I absolutely love the idea of the 4K Ultra HD set up for our Man Cave!

Best Buy man cave Ideas

The area in our basement that is slated to be the Man Cave is only 16 x 20 – which isn’t huge by any means. But the main idea is to have the area set up for movie viewing, game playing and more. That doesn’t leave a lot of space for a lot of extra furniture and a wall mounted 4K Ultra HD TV would be perfect. Not only will it give the guys a great viewing experience, but it allows them to sit closer and enjoy the show right up close and personal. To check out the 4K Ultra HD TV options and other tech goodies for the ideal man cave check out the options Best Buy has!

With a 4K Ultra HD Tv, some comfy chairs and a gaming table or two – our Man Cave is about to come together. It’s still a work in progress, but I have a feeling I’ll be checking out the tips on Best Buy’s site to finish out our space. I can’t wait until he can have his own viewing parties with his friends, and create a great space inside our home.

The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.


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