A Little White Lie is a Quirky Story with a Surprising End

A Little White Lie Review

A little unassuming, and quite possibly under-marketed – A Little White Lie is going to be one of those movies that you find later and wonder how you never heard about it before. The movie is a quirky comedy that at times borders on the edge of the absurd, but ends up winning the audience over in the end.

The movie centers around a collegiate writing festival, and a professor and writer who seems to have landed an obscure writer who will bring in the crowds. After a long period of her letters going unanswered or returned, he finally accepts her invitation to attend and present, but that may be the beginning of the problems. The author, C.R. Shriver isn’t the one who answered her letters, instead, the man who had received them all, also named Shriver, accepted the invitation hoping for a free trip and a prize without even thinking it through.

The Watermark Photo Credit: Darren Michaels, SMPSP

With twists and turns throughout the story, A Little White Lie isn’t exactly what you think it is going into it. It does, unfortunately, seem to lean heavily on the trope that writers often have drinking or drug dependency issues. And while many of the great writers of the past have, it isn’t the reality for the majority. But using this trope the movie is able to put its characters into different situations or build a whole character archetype out of that misconception.

With a great cast and a fun story that will not only have you laughing but keep you guessing – A Little White Lie is definitely not a book that should be judged by its cover. It is now playing in select theaters and available for Digital rental.

Overall Rating:

Four and a half Star Review

About A Little White Lie:

Shriver (Michael Shannon), a down-on-his-luck handyman who has never read a book in his life, is mistaken for a famous writer that has been in hiding for over 20 years. With nothing to lose, he accepts an invitation to attend a college literary festival and finds himself surrounded by adoring fans and an English professor (Kate Hudson) who captures his heart. Shriver must do whatever it takes for his shot at love in this fish-out-of-water comedy.


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