If you’re following along on our social channels, you may have picked up by now that we’re on the go – we’ve actually hopped the pond and we’re spending some time traveling through Europe. On this trip we’re hitting several places that we’ve partnered with and we’ll fill you in on more of these soon. There are a lot of bucklist items on our trip, and we’re feeding our Wanderlust.
Our trip began this week in London, and we’ve hit a lot of well known and lesser known sites so far. With the help of the Shard, we took in the View from the Shard last night and watched the city light up like glitter. Today we spent the majority of the day at the Tower of London, thanks to London Pass, one of my top must see places. We saw the crown jewels, spent some time with the Tower ravens and toured the Royal Chapel. We’re becoming accustom to taking the tube everywhere, and have pub hopped for our meals. Honestly, I can’t wait to tell you more about it all when we get back.
The only bad part of the trip so far, is I seem to have caught the plane plague. But armed with some medicine from a local drug store, I’m not letting it slow me down. The stuffy nose and sore throat was made up by finding some of my favorite Belgian chocolates for so much cheaper than we find them at home!
The first part of our trip is coming to a close and our first stay in London is coming to an end, but that just means the next part of our adventure is about to begin. Tomorrow morning a rental car will be delivered and we’re heading out to the countryside for some amazing ancient sites. Until we return and to check out other images from our trip while we’re on the go follow along on Instagram or the hashtag #Wanderreal